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Howard Law
  1. EugenFJR

    AR lubrication: thin film of oil or dripping wet?

    I assumed this was for hot weather... If its around 0 degrees the TM says to use LAW. That's when I do use just a thin coat. If it hot like it is now, I take a old fashion shaving brush to coat my BCG & CH, and the lower trigger group where it looks wet. It will run hard all day, and at the end...
  2. EugenFJR

    Tool Loaner Thread

    Even more of a reason to drink REALLY good beer... BTW, we need to link up, maybe meet for lunch sometime... I have a few questions for you, and I'd like to talk to you about optics and stuff like that.
  3. EugenFJR

    Tool Loaner Thread

    OMG... You need some different beer... Leinenkuegel was all over the place in WI... I thought it was gross... You need to try some Ballast Point IPA's...
  4. EugenFJR

    The Bad Ol' Days

    No worries... Post a picture of the Mauser, when you get a chance... I think I'll be looking to fill my gun case w/ WWII rifles come November. But I would like to build at least 1 more AR, I'm thinking a M16A4 clone... But I have to get a Bob Jones sight that will let me use my glasses AND let...
  5. EugenFJR

    The Bad Ol' Days

    I'm not sure how I should answer that... I have compleated the advanced pistol and rife marksmanship course, and the Army Squad designated Marksman course... All taught by members of the the Army AMU... All of my qualifications were with iron sights shooting from 200 yards to 600 yards with...
  6. EugenFJR

    The Bad Ol' Days

    You can get a FF tube/ upper that looks GI from Rock River Arms, It's in all of there National Match rifles... But I'd warn against, slinging up too much. The sling should be snug, but not so tight, it's flexing the barrel out of place.
  7. EugenFJR

    The Bad Ol' Days

    I joined the ODT around Oct 2012, and was getting rid of all of my 7.62x39 rifles and ammo, ended up selling a AK underfolder for $800, and a RPK style rifle for around $1000.00 bucks. I'd stock up on Pmags and BCG's if I had the spare cash. But my god damn step daughter, just cost my wife...
  8. EugenFJR

    Best bang for my buck Red Dot sight

    If your going to do a budget build for your girlfriends rifle, I think it would be a pretty good choice. I ran one in a 3 gun comp. awhile back, and it did just fine.
  9. EugenFJR

    Does anyone carry a G43?

  10. EugenFJR

    Does anyone carry a G43?

    ^^^ LOL at "The Lord loves a working man, don't trust whitey, see a doctor and get rid of it."
  11. EugenFJR

    Best bang for my buck Red Dot sight

    I'd also look at the Vortex Strikefire, you can find them for $100.00 bucks from time to time, I think of it as the poor mans M68 CCO.
  12. EugenFJR

    This Cover Should Piss a Few Off

    Just for the weekend, she comes back Monday... :(
  13. EugenFJR

    This Cover Should Piss a Few Off

    I didn't do shit... I didn't force her to go out Tue. night ( more like she sneaked out) with a ex-boyfriend, ( who would slap her around BTW ) get drunk & and used sexually, come home at gods know what time, then take 15 or 20 konalpin's (sp) And call the police to my house who show up around...
  14. EugenFJR

    This Cover Should Piss a Few Off

    But... But... It's for the children. BTW... That reminds me, I have to put a dead bolt lock on my war room door. Since my step daughter was committed last night.
  15. EugenFJR

    FN to release Civilian M249 SAW

    I didn't say they didn't run... Oil them, and they run pretty well. I know the saw is awkward to carry, I could never find a comfortable way to hump it. As a matter of fact, I liked humping the 60 better.
  16. EugenFJR

    FN to release Civilian M249 SAW

    Buy me this instead... :)
  17. EugenFJR

    FN to release Civilian M249 SAW

    NO ONE On active duty wants a 249... It's heavy, a pain in the ass to carry, gets dirty as hell, and a pain in the ass to clean. I sure as hell don't see any reason to have a semi only version. For the kind of money they are asking, I'd get a Barrett .50 cal semi sniper rifle. Oh BTW 249's chew...
  18. EugenFJR

    Guerrilla Sniper, Nov 5-6, Pelham TN

    Nice course... If I put the $$$ together, I'll Let you know !!
  19. EugenFJR

    What's everybody catchin'?

    My Father always said that...
  20. EugenFJR

    What do you do with your body armor?

    I need to get a plate carrier and some plates... I'm just too poor at the moment.