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Howard Law
  1. EugenFJR

    Makes you rethink PMAGS.

    On "Tap, rack, bang" I've seen them double feed a fair amount in drills, also if your rifles mag release is on the loose/light side, the Magpul mags tend to fall out. But then again, all of the mags were Gen 1 P mags.
  2. EugenFJR

    Safe room/panic room

    @Willy Leadwell That looks like a big ass safe room ! Nice!
  3. EugenFJR

    Would you ever put this on your rifle?

    I was going to have him build a rifle for me... Do you think its a bad idea? I'm just kidding about letting him build a rifle for me... I'd rather let the dog do it.
  4. EugenFJR

    Civil War Era Rifle

    Look to see who made the gun, and if it has one, a serial number. When I look up that model, I see it come up as a Henry...
  5. EugenFJR

    FBI Rap Back

    Why ??? Don't you know thats where obama was born? I wounder if they will have a hard time with this new system, I mean after all, it only took them 2 years to "find" obamas birth certificate...
  6. EugenFJR

    Vortex Sparc AR initial review (Picture Heavy)

    I didn't know they had a new AR optic, thats cool. The Strikefire's I like at the price point of $150 ( sometimes PSA has them for $100 bucks, thats a awesome deal.) The only drawback for me about the Strikefire is the weird battery it takes, if it was a "AA" or a "AAA" battery, it would be...
  7. EugenFJR

    Vortex Sparc AR initial review (Picture Heavy)

    I'm going to assume its a sparc II, the sparc I ate batteries pretty quickly, from what I was told. And I don't mean leaving it on. I mean leaving the battery in the unit and it being dead a week later when you got to turn it you might want to test that, and check it every week or so to...
  8. EugenFJR

    1rst Pic Up pg3. I am getting into AR-10s, best deal from Aim Surplus at the moment

    It's a 16" inch bbl. But it was holding the 9 ring at 200 yards with iron sights. Even a cheep scope, or red dot would make that a serious CQB rifle. I don't mind the 16" bbl, but I would like a mid length gas system. My 2nd rifle will be a PSA mid upper. I also have a RRA LAR-8 rifle, with a...
  9. EugenFJR

    1rst Pic Up pg3. I am getting into AR-10s, best deal from Aim Surplus at the moment

    Dude... I had just bought my PSA .308 a few days before the meet down in your neck of the woods. It was shooting very well @ 200 yards. If you want to sell your lower LMK. I want to build a 2nd PSA .308 AR. :)
  10. EugenFJR

    Need some help changin an AR part

    Dude try Wes at Tru-Prep... It's a easy swap, but you need a few tools to do it right.
  11. EugenFJR

    Scare Prices Vs Oversaturation

    This is why you need a dog...
  12. EugenFJR

    Milsurp porn thread

    I need about 5 more milsurp rifles for my gun case, you are welcome to store them at my house. :)
  13. EugenFJR

    Milsurp porn thread

    That short little guy, 4th from the left... That's my guess. :alien:
  14. EugenFJR

    Milsurp porn thread

    And you won't LOL... I can't believe what Russian Capture K98's are going for now... $650.00 and up, is a straight faced asking price, I bought mine in 1996 for $99.00 bucks and a capture with no duffle cut, for $300.00 bucks. I want to do a WWII German sniper clone, but I think the RC gun is...
  15. EugenFJR

    Milsurp porn thread

    What kind of strait bolt Mauser is that @freedom ???
  16. EugenFJR

    Milsurp porn thread

    I need to take pics of my milsurp rifles, I have a super bad ass wood gun cabinet my Grandfather built, all cherry wood, with a matching cheery wood desk under it. I'll take pics when it get out of storage, moving all my stuff out on the 22nd !! Finally get to finish my upstairs man room ! WWII...
  17. EugenFJR

    Identify this rifle

    I'm such a nice guy, I'll let you leave it in my display case... ;)
  18. EugenFJR

    Identify this rifle

    Dude, I have no clue about Jap rifles... All I know is that I want one with the mum intact for my WWII collection.
  19. EugenFJR

    Identify this rifle

    I have a wood gun case my Grandfather built, it has slots for 13 rifles, I have 7 WWII milsurp rifles to put in it. I'd love to have a Japanese rifle like that to put in it. It makes for a cool display and conversation piece.
  20. EugenFJR

    Identify this rifle

    Sounds like a last ditch rifle. Very cool. I'd clean up the wood, and oil it. But I'd never fire it.