GA Firing Line

What do you do

  • Hover

    Votes: 3 12.5%
  • Wipe and sit

    Votes: 10 41.7%
  • Birdnest

    Votes: 5 20.8%
  • eww, i'm to uppidy to use a public tiolet

    Votes: 6 25.0%

  • Total voters

Peanut Butter

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Kalash Klub Mod
Kalash Klub
Oct 13, 2019
Also just wanted to throw this out there. The thing that happened on ODT yesterday really bothered me, rather it was a cry for help or if he’s actually planning on committing suicide.

No matter how much I may bullshit if any of y’all ever need to talk or anything PLEASE give me a call. I will hop in my car and be on the way. I was telling a few of y’all I would hate for one of our regulars to post something like that. PB here for y’all although I BS a lot but I’m here for any of you.


Boomerwaffen Fuddmander
Kalash Klub
Lifetime Supporter
Mar 24, 2015
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They'll get clapped just like the confederates did 160 years ago.
See I dont think they will...for the very reasons you outlined. We see it now...people just say 'meh, not here just leave me alone' to 'meh, I'll stay outta downtown just leave me alone' to 'meh, just stay outta my yard and leave me alone' to DA realizing it's just easier to prosecute the very,very few that decide that saying leave me alone isnt enough


Boomerwaffen Fuddmander
Kalash Klub
Lifetime Supporter
Mar 24, 2015
Zip code
Also just wanted to throw this out there. The thing that happened on ODT yesterday really bothered me, rather it was a cry for help or if he’s actually planning on committing suicide.

No matter how much I may bullshit if any of y’all ever need to talk or anything PLEASE give me a call. I will hop in my car and be on the way. I was telling a few of y’all I would hate for one of our regulars to post something like that. PB here for y’all although I BS a lot but I’m here for any of you.
I feel lile I'll just die if I dont get 20 Hooters wings, extra crispy, hot


Jun 19, 2020
East point
Zip code
Then where does this idea that America is being shredded by Marxists come from? The left doesn't organize any better than we do. They just do it more quickly and garner more sympathetic main stream media attention, money from filthy left movie stars and Soros type scum. Know what ended the left's communist unrest in the late 60s early 70s? The "Silent Majority" on both sides of the political isle rose up both publically and at the ballot box and overwhelming (by a 60% majority, winning every state except one) re-elected Nixon president, even though the democrat's held the majority in both the house and senate. Why? Because the the majority of American's who don't have time to protest and "be heard" in the streets and by the media had had enough and although Nixon was no prize he did support the rule of law and freedom, unlike McGovern who supported the radical street minority. Keep in mind this occurred in a time before the media was as openly hostile to the opinions and beliefs of the majority of Americans like they are today.

It appears the same thing might be happening now. I just read ABC poll that tends to show the silent majority doesn't support the rioting protester's or media's narrative. t

In a nut shell:

1.) Do you support or oppose defunding the police? 64 % Oppose (91% of Republicans, 45 % of Democrats, 43 % of blacks, 58% of Hispanics and 74% whites)
2.) Cutting the police budget ? 60% oppose
3.) Going back to work? 82% Approve
4.) Send your child to school? 54% Approve
5.) Attend church? 57% Approve
6.) Go to the mall? 53% Approve
7.) Go Grocery shopping? 94% Approve
8.) Eat at a restaurant? 59% Approve
9.) Get a haircut? 69% Approve
10.) Concerned you will get he Corona Virus? 69% very/somewhat concerned

In 1972 the vocal minority communist left eventually regretted their miscalculation of the 'Silent Majority who just wanted to be left Alone". It has taken them almost 40 years to regenerate that kind of communist hate again.

We, the silent majority, try very hard to mind our own business and provide for ourselves and those we love.
We resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced change of life that will come from it. We know, that the moment we fight back, the quiet lives we have tried so hard to live will be interrupted, killed off in a way. Which is why when forced to act the silent majority fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with an overwhelming love for family and country and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. Terror to those minority twits, love of country/family/freedom, will arrive at the Left's door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy . . . . but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the “Silent Majority who just wanted to be left alone." That's why these troubling times don't lead to civil war. The silent majority knows it's not yet necessary and the radical minority know it would mean their total and utter destruction. This country in mass is stronger than the tiny minority of trash roaming the streets of the liberal cities today. The left can ignore the past and present reality, but they can’t ignore the consequences of ignoring reality, because it damn sure ain't gonna ignore them. This will turn, just like it did in 1972.
People are going to continue to riot in the street as long as cops are killing people and getting away with it. I understand you're a police officer. The way to fix this is when you guys see somebody at your department doing something unconstitutional, you throw them to the justice department wolves. I'm more of a fan of Corporal and capital punishment for these crimes but you guys have too much protection. Qualified immunity is bullshit. Daniel Shavers, Duncan lemp, breonna taylors, Eric garner, every single one of them was murdered and their killers are all free running around with the same rights me and you have and no felony. You guys also have to stop enforcing unconstitutional laws. Putting people in cages for weed speeding tickets and firearms infractions is terrible and if you do that you are a terrible person. It is up to you to keep your oath to the Constitution. Stop breaking your oath and people will stop rioting in the streets


Yeet yite yote
Site Supporter
Kalash Klub
Oct 14, 2019
People are going to continue to riot in the street as long as cops are killing people and getting away with it. I understand you're a police officer. The way to fix this is when you guys see somebody at your department doing something unconstitutional, you throw them to the justice department wolves. I'm more of a fan of Corporal and capital punishment for these crimes but you guys have too much protection. Qualified immunity is bullshit. Daniel Shavers, Duncan lemp, breonna taylors, Eric garner, every single one of them was murdered and their killers are all free running around with the same rights me and you have and no felony. You guys also have to stop enforcing unconstitutional laws. Putting people in cages for weed speeding tickets and firearms infractions is terrible and if you do that you are a terrible person. It is up to you to keep your oath to the Constitution. Stop breaking your oath and people will stop rioting in the streets
Wall of text hard to read


Kalash Klub Jumpmaster
Oct 14, 2019
Hey guys, this site seems weird and homoerotic. My kind of place. I've been permabanned for like the 6th time on odt, any tips for keeping my nose clean there? Also I called in today to go to the range if anybody's interested. Got 2 aks, a galil, a 17, and I'm interested in the Burlington cheesecoat factory employee Christmas party. I have whiskey and an average penis, who wants to party?
Advice for success over there? Simple, bow down to your Overlords.
Here you just need to be a thick skinned critical thinker.
Stay here and enjoy the free life, and use their few favorable traits when it suits you....that's most of us here do.

Unless you are one of the occasional ODT spies who join up and creep for a day or two and then slither back there and squeal like the rat bastards they are. If that's you, you can fuck right off (this is the SET thick skinned part, lol).


Jun 19, 2020
East point
Zip code
Advice for success over there? Simple, bow down to your Overlords.
Here you just need to be a thick skinned critical thinker.
Stay here and enjoy the free life, and use their few favorable traits when it suits you....that's most of us here do.

Unless you are one of the occasional ODT spies who join up and creep for a day or two and then slither back there and squeal like the rat bastards they are. If that's you, you can fuck right off (this is the SET thick skinned part, lol).
God I hate the fucking mods over there so bad. Do you guys sell shirts for this website because I want to show up to the meet up with one


Why leave anything here?
Kalash Klub
Lifetime Supporter
Aug 31, 2018
Zip code
Having been around during the leftist "uprising" that @CQB27 references, I largely agree with what he has to say. I've heard almost all of this crap before. There has supposedly been a permanent "democratic majority" driven by demographics of young & minority voters just around the corner my entire life. Protests just as big or bigger. Social media & 24 hrs cable TV make it seem louder today.

IMHO, the key is voting this fall. That's what worked for @CQB's "silent majority" the last time around. Anecdotally summed up by NY film critc Pauline Kael who, after McGovern was soundly defeated in 1972, said, "I don't understand how Nixon won. No one I know voted for him." Even 50 years ago, many people lived in echo chambers.

Now is not the time to vote for a 3rd party candidate because you "hate the 2 party system" or "both sides are corrupt" or whatever. That's all true. But this election cycle is about not throwing the baby out with the bathwater. The only thing that changes a politician's stance is loss of power.

And for those who think it might be good to burn the system down, I hope you're ready to bury somebody you love. Because that's what happens in that kind of chaos. I've never been a party line voter in my life, but now is the time.

In short, vote for the side that wants to preserve America, a flawed country that has done more for individual liberty than any other in history. Any other vote will embolden those bent on destruction. And that will lead to civil war.

You may survive, but not everyone you care about will & the end result will be an horrific police state.

The old man will shut up now.