Do you know of anyone local who's Japanese? They might have some approaches that could help.She's not an angry person and wouldn't do that to him. She also is from Japan and if you know oriental women, they have this stigma about "This isn't my country, not my language" and they feel like Americans might not take her side I guess.
The retraining order last time meant she got kicked out of "her house" and she was adamant that she had every right to go back. Which I understand but I think the dementia makes her hard headed to a fault. She doesn't think clearly anymore, it's not bad all the time but I know she's tried to jump out of a moving car bc she didn't think she would get hurt and she left my brother's house to walk 11 miles home when the restraining order was active. Luckily my brother's neighbor picked her up and called Chris and brought her back, she had walked out while we were grilling on the back porch.
She is very adamant about it's "her house" and she doesn't feel like she should have to leave, and I guess doesn't think he will actually kill her. He's told perfect strangers that he would kill her without a 2nd thought.
I have an entire unused upstairs with a full bath she could move in but she won't listen to me bc she thinks it would be a burden.
(I know a lot of people who are oriental or married to orientals, but I don't think anyone's Japanese.)