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American Revival Apparel Company
  1. Liberty

    Big Changes to 4473 Coming in 2017

    The only form you should have to sign when buying a firearm is a bank card receipt.
  2. Liberty

    so I got to thinkin'

    30-06 is my favorite cartridge, but it is only available in a long action, or of course break actions.
  3. Liberty

    so I got to thinkin'

    It would make more sense for a "only rifle" to get a .308. Then you can shoot subs or have a full power rifle.
  4. Liberty

    reloading like it's 1699

    First two off the hot plate!
  5. Liberty

    reloading like it's 1699

    Yeah I was just getting my gear together and goofing off, but since lead is heavier than steel, how about a floating nail?
  6. Liberty

    reloading like it's 1699

    A casting furnace from a hot plate destined for pan lubing?
  7. Liberty

    reloading like it's 1699

    Okay you are a pioneer who is going fishing it the morning and no time to build a campfire. You decide to try melting alloy with a 1000 watt hot plate. This can't be working.
  8. Liberty

    reloading like it's 1699

    Just found it on small quantities at, shipping may be the best option.
  9. Liberty

    reloading like it's 1699

    Goex is produces domestically. A road trip may be in my future.
  10. Liberty

    reloading like it's 1699

    I figure as long as historical accuracy is the goal black powder substitutes are out.
  11. Liberty

    reloading like it's 1699

    @dial1911 , do you know any box stores that carry black powder? It is hard to come by in these parts.
  12. Liberty

    reloading like it's 1699

    I sincerely appreciate the offer. As soon as I find a rifle I may take you up on it if is a .50 cal.
  13. Liberty

    reloading like it's 1699

    After verified reports of the extruded barrel Spanish guns became common, I am afraid to use one for my project.
  14. Liberty

    reloading like it's 1699

    Thanks, the ones with the rounded bases came in undersized, but the others dropped at .452, which is what I was after. With no thermostat, it is hard to eyeball/ guess when the temperatures are correct. I have a temperature gun, but for the experiment swore not to use it, as out ancestors had no...
  15. Liberty

    reloading like it's 1699

    Smoking the mold over the open fire makes the boolits almost fall out of the mold :attention:who wants to be first to try one after I dip them in rendered fat and beeswax?
  16. Liberty

    reloading like it's 1699

    Ah ha, now we are getting somewhere.
  17. Liberty

    reloading like it's 1699

    Shootable boolits!
  18. Liberty

    reloading like it's 1699

  19. Liberty

    reloading like it's 1699

    Didn't give up on the wheel weights. Historically I think a frontiersman likely cast a dozen or two bullets from a pot that his carried around in his wagon/ on horseback. Downsized and used less lead cast from a ladle .