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GA Firing Line
  1. SkipD

    .44mag vs .44spec

    Like the .38 Special vs .357 Magnum, the only difference between the .44 Special and the .44 Magnum is a little length of the cartridge case (1.16" for .44 Spl and 1.285" for .44 Mag). In both cases, you can fire the shorter "Special" cartridges in the Magnum revolver.
  2. SkipD

    Homemade holsters

    Maybe I should sell the design to Doug? ::)
  3. SkipD

    This is truly frightening!

    That's definitely good news and thankfully it didn't take weeks to arrive at that decision.
  4. SkipD

    A couple of nines

    That's the job that my Glock 19 handles very well for me - with 15+1. ;)
  5. SkipD

    A couple of nines

    I looked up the dimensions and compared it to my G26. The Px4 sub-compact is a little shorter than the G26 but it's taller and thicker. With the trouble I have trying to carry the G26 IWB, I don't think the Px4 would work either. Darn......
  6. SkipD

    A couple of nines

    How thick is that compared to a Glock 26?
  7. SkipD

    A couple of nines

    What is that pistol on the left? It's not at all familiar to me. Thanks.
  8. SkipD

    Terror with Pinky!

    Now, if she's interested in self-defense, you need to teach her "double-tap" technique. The very slow shooting is OK for sport, of course, but not for combat. She may need to add a new set of skills to her repertoire.
  9. SkipD

    This is truly frightening!

    I certainly hope that the officials clear the family in an official way so that this doesn't go on or escalate.
  10. SkipD

    Some sensibility amidst terrible tragedy

    I wonder what the majority of the public in that area thinks of the report contents .....
  11. SkipD

    I want a Zip gun!

    I find that gun design interesting and I would like to see a lot more about it just to satisfy my curiosity. However, based on what I've seen in the videos I think it is totally impractical and not something I'd care to buy.
  12. SkipD

    Stay "tuned and honed" - Don't lose your shooting skills

    I suspect that a reason some folks aren't interested in the air guns is simply the cost. I know that I'd get hammered by the boss if I bought them. ::)
  13. SkipD

    New "Holsters" section in the forums

    Folks, I started a thread in the new Holsters area. I don't see it listed on the "Home" page summary of new posts, though. I've reported the situation to the administrator and hopefully it will be cleared up soon.
  14. SkipD

    Homemade holsters

    I figgered I'd start off this new forum area with a thread for showing your home-made holsters. Here's the holster I made a few months ago for my LCP. I wanted something that would ride outside my belt but as high as possible. This really does nicely as the LCP hugs my body closely. This...
  15. SkipD

    New "Holsters" section in the forums

    There was some discussion a little while back about putting a new Holsters section in the forum. It's now available for all discussions regarding holsters (in addition to the holster-maker sponsor's sections). Look under the "General" group title and you'll find it. Thanks go to all those...
  16. SkipD

    The most effective hardware for home defense

    While I realize that a dog could be a great alarm system and even a first-line defensive weapon, I keep thinking of the constant reloading and what it takes to clean up the brass all the time. My wife doesn't care for the thought of either task.
  17. SkipD


    Those are definitely some good things to think about.....
  18. SkipD

    Pistol rack - another option

    I'm really glad that tools and I get along well. I work with (and have tools for) cabinet and furniture building, carpentry, electrical systems, electronics, plumbing, painting (not pictures, though), auto and other machinery repair, gunsmithing, metal fabrication, photography, and just about...
  19. SkipD

    Pistol rack - another option

    Sounds like you're good to go to me. A tip.... Chuck up the dowels in a drill (or a drill press) and spin them against 120-grit sandpaper to round the top ends.
  20. SkipD

    Pistol rack - another option

    I cannot think of an easier-to-build design (either Rich's or the one in the OP). I certainly wouldn't pay $13 for what most folks could build for a couple of bucks worth of material as long as they have a decent saw (even a good hand saw) and a drill.