This is truly frightening!

Howard Law


Jun 8, 2012
that was difficult to read. if you edited out the location, you'd think it happened in another country. truly amazing.


Support the right to self defense.
Jun 8, 2012
Irmo, SC

LOL. So much for Facebook Friends. I have loads of firearm pictures on my Facebook Page. None though with anyone holding a weapon other than on a firing range. Of course most of my friends grew up in a hunting family or are the kind of folks who believe carrying a firearm is like putting on your pants.

The Associated Press (AP) being the good little supporters of our country’s State Run Media left quite a few details out of this story. The Blaze gets into loads of details from Mr. Moore. The State though is trying to cover their back sides.


Jun 8, 2012
SkipD said:
That's definitely good news and thankfully it didn't take weeks to arrive at that decision.

I'm glad for the family that it might be over but I would've like to have seen this go to court also.


Support the right to self defense.
Jun 8, 2012
Irmo, SC
I would be suing them for attorney fees and the trauma invoked on my family.

This is a battle that was won by a gun owner who when alerted by his wife via text messages, came home and had his lawyer on the speaker phone. The Lawyer informed the Police and Social Worker that unless they had a warrant they were not searching the house. Thankfully they left. In New York arrests and charges have already been filed for people violating their new state laws.

I regard this as just one battle in an ongoing war. Feinstein's AWB maybe dead in the water according to the Media but she will be back. John Kerry just endorsed that UN Resolution which supports the UN's view that arms have been "misused by lawful owners" and that the "arms trade therefore be regulated in ways that would . .. minimize the misuse of legally owned weapons." Since current political trends lean towards embracing that "We are all citizens of the World" mentality who is to say that there won't be calls for us to join the rest of the civilized nations by tossing an antiquated 2nd Amendment out the window?

A lot of gun owners seem to think that the 2nd Amendment, the rest of the U.S. Constitution are carved in stone and we need to leave politics out of it. I trust recent events have shown such thinking to be wishful thinking. Right now the politicians are going state by state and depending upon who has the votes it's pretty much a party line vote.

The Media is of course blaming the NRA and the gun industry for holding things up. I'm a member of the NRA so that works for me. Hold the line.


Jun 8, 2012
Trigger_1 said:
Maybe we should all take pictures of our kids and grandchildren holding their firearms and post them on facebook ..... :p :p :p


I've posted video of me "endangering" or "abusing" my son on YouTube as well as video and photos of it on Facebook and here. And I'm ready to tell whatever agency shows up to question me to get bent. This country has gone nuts.




I apparently should be in prison by now. Poor, sad, neglected and abused Henry.


I applaud your stand YZ!
There's an old saying, "If you want to play tennis, you better bring some balls!" :D



Jun 8, 2012
I think the story is less about posting these types of photos in a public forum and more about someone calling child services about it. that's got to be new. if not, I'm surprised I haven't heard about it before. there's a bazillion of these types of pictures online and assuming they constituted some kind of actionable evidence of neglect is probably an enormous stretch (I hope it is anyway). my sister-in-law just posted a photo of her daughter in some kind of cheer leading competition. it looked pretty darn dangerous with her splayed out upside down 20' in the air. i wonder what would happen if i called CFS about it? life brings risk. some people are awfully subjective about what risk is acceptable and what isn't.

by this persons logic, it should be illegal to raise children in Chicago.