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American Revival Apparel Company
  1. DoglegArms

    Red dot for AR

    I have the PRO and it's the bomb. No regrets.
  2. DoglegArms

    Calling all snipers

    What's your setup?
  3. DoglegArms

    .300blk barrel lengths

    You have an engraved lower [emoji389]
  4. DoglegArms

    .300blk barrel lengths

    I got 9.5" PSA SS 300blk I'll sell. It's got < 50 rds through it.
  5. DoglegArms

    Help? Leather holsters Kimber 1911?

    TT Gunleather I've owned several and they are quality.
  6. DoglegArms

    ARC 30

    Heres the ARC30 vs the Rugged Surge. Can't tell on video but it's comparable. Bryan is shooting the Surge, Dave the ARC 30.
  7. DoglegArms

    My new EDC

    Busy at my day job [emoji22]
  8. DoglegArms

    My new EDC

    I ordered one. Man I shot the P290RS and love it. Might have to switch to Sig.
  9. DoglegArms

    Sorry for the Laziness and Newbishness

    Give it to me and I'll get it engraved.
  10. DoglegArms

    SETs NFA Pics Thread

    Mine has a happy switch.
  11. DoglegArms

    Glock "connector"

    I'll show you.
  12. DoglegArms

    Glock "connector"

    Ok I ordered it. I'll let you know when it comes. Do you really need me to install it?
  13. DoglegArms

    $875 50BMG rifle

    If there's any gun that needs a suppressor it's this one.
  14. DoglegArms

    $875 50BMG rifle

    LOL! I'm laughing but realistically it will suit 99% of the people who buy one as they can only afford to shoot 10 rounds.
  15. DoglegArms

    OSS Suppressors

    Watch the demo, is that 556?
  16. DoglegArms

    My new EDC

    I'll look around. I see some 8 rounders but not in stock.
  17. DoglegArms

    Glock "connector"

    $25. Tax included.
  18. DoglegArms

    Glock "connector"

    You want the Glock OEM 3.5 connector right?
  19. DoglegArms

    Glock "connector"

    Price doesn't matter.
  20. DoglegArms

    Official SHOT Show 2016 Thread

    What most people don't understand is SHOT is for business. If you're not making deals, networking, sourcing, creating/strengthening relationships, then you're just window shopping for stuff that you can't even buy.