Ugh, been busy, it's taken me all day to finally get caught up!
Mail call from yesterday:
Thanks @DeanMoriarty!
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Dinner tonight:
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Herbie playing his games to the top of the first set of stairs and wait for you to make a move to pet him...then run to the upstairs bonus room. Every. Time. He'll sit in this pose for a minute and not move until you do. Goofy cat.
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I see he found the roll of TP in the upstairs bathroom:
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So I come downstairs to make my lunch. The other day I was doing the same thing and I hear a knock at the back of the house, I can't tell from which window. As I'm contemplating what I heard, I hear it again. Still not sure which window but I grab my piece, turn on the back lights and go outside, investigate and find nothing. Which is what I expected.
Tonight I hear it again, 4 knocks, definitely on the window but I'm not sure which one. Julie comes running out of the master bedroom, telling me something knocked on the bedroom window. I grab my AR which is the only weapon I have equipped with a light, ease out the back door and find nothing. There's absolutely nothing within reach of the windows. No branches, nothing. Even my son heard it this time. My gates are both closed...they don't look disturbed. I'm at a loss.
It's just Space Ghost fucking with you using his invisio power band: