I sent em all emails and she’s the only one who took the time or effort to respond in any fashion
Do not know... but did vote for the R beside her name.
Id sell your shit too.fag..
ran Into Shemp today he is alive and doing well
To be fair there are a lot of stupid people that test the system and the liabilities through ignorance. But hey there‘s always a lawyer that will represent them and sue and gain from that ignorance.
Of course that leads to stupid laws.
She is a carpetbagger. And selling her stocks, right after the WuFlu briefing does not seat well with me.Kind of side tracking but what is everyone's thoughts on Kelly Loeffler? Finding it hard to know what is fact or fiction with the slander campaigns going back and forth between her and Doug Collins?
Gorgeous night before the rain comes. Finished the chicken feeder and currently burning the leftover moving boxes. Got the shelves from the old house but not going to put them up tonight.
new house has a carport that collects water when it rains. Need to clear everything out of there still
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Yep! #blackgunsdontmatter
We put away Haloween decorations tonight, before the storm comes tomorrow. Cleared the downspouts and emptied the rain barrels.You make KGB look lazy
It’s so good tho
Go with "Big Trouble Little China" next
All them colors!
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His skittles pack of lancer magsWhat magazines are those?
If you ever wanna sell any lmk!They're pretty cool. Sometimes I don't enjoy shooting them as much as just admiring them and wondering what stories they'd tell.
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Other days, I'm like fuck it, these are taking up space and I don't shoot them hardly ever
All them colors!
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