Thanks for asking @Jeddak. She's slowly getting better. Still can't stand or walk on her own, but can put a little more weight on her leg each day. Bruising & swelling are all completely gone. It's taking longer than we had hoped for her to recover. I don't know if that is all her health problems or just age. Nothing seems to ever completely heal when you get to be our age. Part of me would like to get her to an orthopedic guy for x-rays, etc., but getting her in the truck would cause immense pain. We also try to avoid going to doctors/hospitals when we can because her immune system is so incredibly compromised.@Grunk
How is Sue and how are you holding up?
As for me, I'm surviving. Pretty exhausted. I haven't been able to sleep a full night through for years because of caring for her, but now it's literally an hour or 2 here & there. Having to lift her & mover her around is challenging with my stroke weakness, but I'm managing. With my long hair straggling & looking even more haggard (those that have met me will understand), I think I'm looking more & more like a gray bearded version of the guy from Jethro Tull's Aqualung album cover.

Picture for the children here who won't get the reference:

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