yea but crazy can = waking up with a Butcher knife in your chest
My brother used to sleep with a t-shirt on and a cutting board underneath it after his GF at the time stabbed up his new couch with a butcher knife.
100% true story. Not sure how he protected anything else lol.
There is a lot more to this story after the fact but let's just say I drove by the house one day when he was at work and she had already moved out...front door wide open, all the dishes smashed, all the linoleum in the kitchen sliced up, furniture broken and thrown all in the yard, car parked in the grass, doors wide open, stuff stacked all over the top of it, all kinds of stuff stolen from the garage...been like that for a few days by the looks of it.
He had told her he was staying with a friend for a week and she needed to be out by the time he came home. I told him that was a terrible idea, which was why I drove over there to check after a few days...