I gots me a AK63DS I am thinking about selling. I can't find much recent sales values.
Yeah, it’s ugly as fuck. And wasn’t that Th e patch the guys who guarded the death camps wore?There's something wonky about that patch.
I’ll check with my kid and his buddies - they might want to make some extra cash, and I’d help supervise/ minimize stupidityI’m moving next month, do any of y’all have kids or know someone who wants to make some cash moving a 2bedroom apartment ? I’d rather buy a UHUAL and pay a few dudes rather than spend 1200$ for professional movers.
I gots me a AK63DS I am thinking about selling. I can't find much recent sales values.
I will give you 800rds of brass case 115gr 9mm
marijuana kills especially when you are toating a RG saturday night special
2 grand
marijuana kills especially when you are toating a RG saturday night special
I gots me a AK63DS I am thinking about selling. I can't find much recent sales values.
Why is the M&G in the middle of the day? I thought it was gonna be a night of drinking. Are you old fudds gonna be in bed at 8pm or something?
Y'all are rightLooks like a Quenty two
Check out that Gandalf pipe
They’re considered “range” mags hence the R in their designation meaning no steel fees lips or locking lugs but for that purpose they’re fine and affordableUS Palm AK translucent mags good to go?
good price?