Speaking about shipping my upper was found
I’m happy for her but on the flip side, im nervous as fuck. To just up and move, scares me.
last time I moved acrosscountry, I had ajob lined up and no bills. Now it’s the opposite
Yeah and they’ve always been 4-5 weeks for me in the past for years I’m gonna have to call them tomorrow and find outShit.
Website says 2-4 weeks
I hadn't gotten a hat in a while....
So I added my two cents.
My tracking STILL says pre shipment and I'm holding it in my hands.
@CQB27 - it shipped from Miami
Make sure they are torch cut as per ATF regulations.
Goverment NFA Link?Make sure they are torch cut as per ATF regulations.
Stores burned & looted & now truckers say no police = no deliveries. But we're protesting to help the disadvantaged.
Truck Drivers Say They Won't Deliver To Cities with Defunded Police Departments
As cities across the country are discussing defunding or disbanding their police departments, truck drivers are voicing concerns of safety. Seventy-seven percent of truck drivers say they will refuse to deliver fright to cities with defunded police departments.cdllife.com
Goverment NFA Link?
It does. I just found it. Thanks guys.I don't have a link, but I'm pretty sure it just says torch cut into 3 pieces.
Goverment NFA Link?
Don’t look at 300 blackout that’s a totally different animallots of info, some say 8" barrel others 11.5" some 10.5" some 12.5" guess it just depends on personal preference and what you really intend to use the gun for, fun at the range or actual target acquisition? Kinda my take from walls discussion/comments. Also, reading all the shit yall know about muzzle velocity, barrel length, trajectory's and I'm just over here polishing my Tec-9, eating bagel bites gittin learnt on y'alls knowledge
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M193/855 5.56 will yaw and fragment....but it's totally dependent on velocity to get the job done. Lose the velocity = zip right through, just like you said. The Russians figured a way around that with the 7N6 bullet. I would carry a Krink shorty loaded with 7N6 ammo with zero worries about bullet performance at fighting ranges. If i needed a shorty to fight with it would be a Krink for sure over a CAR......but I can't afford a Krink, sad face.I do agree there. The wound cavity the 5.45 produces is impressive. But like you said, two similar but very different rds. One is known for zipping right through and the other is known to tumble and destroy.
We aren't arguing barrel length, we are arguing velocity Jethro. LOL!Arguing barrel length has to be more boring than arguing 270 vs 308 when we all know 270 is more better