That’s only 2/3 right. You can also use deadly force to stop a forcible felony . What is a forcible felony? Any felony that involves the use of force. Some forcible felonies might not rise to the serious bodily injury or death standard in the course of their commission, like rape or strong armed robbery...doesn’t matter. In PB’s scenario if a rioter attempt to enter his vehicle with the intent to car jack...well that = forcible felony. Like
@triplestack3 pointed it would be up to PB’s legal team to convince a judge or jury evidence existed to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that was In fact what happened.
Force that is likely to cause serious bodily injury or death to prevent a forceable felony is very established fact of law that CNN, DA Paul Howard and our own
@Blue bio balls like to leave out in the drunk/felony obstruction/running shooting your taser back at you Wendy’s man incident, along with the fact a taser has NEVER been a non lethal weapon. It is a less lethal weapon, as in less lethal then a firearm, that has the potential to cause death or serious bodily injury if improperly used by an untrained individual or a trained individual with negligence or malicious intent.
No worries if you have implicit bias You can just reject legal reality and substitute your know, for yours and the people’s feels. It’s what is driving the people’s bus these days.