Howard Law

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    Votes: 3 12.5%
  • Wipe and sit

    Votes: 10 41.7%
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    Votes: 5 20.8%
  • eww, i'm to uppidy to use a public tiolet

    Votes: 6 25.0%

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Why leave anything here?
Kalash Klub
Lifetime Supporter
Aug 31, 2018
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Well, first let me say I'm not lashing out at you, but......Ask your insurance company or "we the people". Half the accidents police work occur on private property, no law was broken and the police have no real business being involved, but the insurance companies have lobbied successfully to have police intervention because it what "we the people" want. Even accidents on the public roads are almost 100% of the time just that "accidents" and nobody willfully intended to do any damage. In other words, they had no intent to commit a crime but police are involved because it's what people and their insurance companies demand. They even demand that a citation be written to the at fault party because it "too hard" to settle insurance claims otherwise. I am ready for the sign waving, shit talking folks to get what they want, a nation full of people who handle their minor (misdemeanor) and most of their major (felony) rule of law issues on their own and live or die with the criminal/civil consequences. The silent majority can do just what they do now...nothing...and suck it up until they can't stand it anymore then demand change again with the realization that there will always be a very small amount of bad actors doing very bad things as long as humans are involved on both sides of the rule of law equation.

Don't get me wrong, there are some things really bad in policing in America as a whole that need to be addressed and changed, but I'm tired of the woke hyperbole, like 10% of the police are bad. 10%? There are 700,000 cops in America. The largest majority are in positions that regularly make contact with the public every day. Conservatively 80%, so 560,000 in America conservatively making 2,000,000 or so contacts with the public daily. If the day George Floyd was killed a 1000 other officers had been filmed doing the same thing, unlawfully killing a man by knee choking him to death, it would have amounted less than 2/10 of 1 percent of the 560,000 LEO nation wide and less than .05/10 of 1 percent of the contacts during that 24 hour period. Bad actors? YES! 10% absolute bullshit. And I have read post estimating the bad actor pool to be anywhere from 50-90%. Laughable.

Police don't police the bad actors so ALL cops are bastards, another screech from the woke crowd. How in the hell am I supposed to stop a Minneapolis, Atlanta, fill in the blank cop from doing evil? The department I work for hasn't had a cop killed by gunfire since 1972, a cop shot by a citizen since 2001 and the last time a citizen was shot (and killed) was 15 years ago. We have had countless murders, robbers, rapist arrested since then. I disarmed one myself armed with a SKS with a quick butt stroke to the jaw when we had a meeting engagement in a dark hallway. My department fired two officers in the past 3 years for using a choke hold on suspects, one on duty, one off duty....with no complaint from the suspect or the public....because like most departments in the SE choke holds are forbidden by SOP unless you are actually trying to kill a man. In the course of 24 years I have been and countless situations where I could have used deadly force on a suspect but didn't. I have shot one man in that time, he was 10 yards away in the summer north GA mountain woods. Had already shot 4 people, one a very good friend of mine. He was at the moment trying his best to kill me with a .357. I didn't want to shoot him, I didn't like shooting him. I'm not proud or happy or satisfied that I shot him. I'm content to be alive, but that's about it......But I'm just one of the PIGS because of very small percentage of rogue cops doing vile, evil, unlawful crap nation wide, mostly in liberal strongholds where unions reign and I can't somehow find a way to make it stop.

I'm tired....I'm also on vacation so I'm done with the internet today. I apologize to you right here and now for dumping this response on you. I know it's not what you asked for. I'm sorry about that, I truly am.
@CQB27 First of all, thank you for the job you do. I mean that sincerely. I quoted your post & tagged you hoping you'll see this at some point. No rush or need to respond. Enjoy your vacation & spend time with your family.

You were absolutely correct in your other post. In America, the police are asked to deal with every social problem that doesn't have an easy answer. Perfect case in point, the man shot by the cops at Wendy's in Atlanta last night. The cops were called because of a man sleeping in the bushes as I understand it. Lawyers & insurance companies have made it so the restaurant manager won't deal with the problem from fear of liability. Who knows if this guy was high, mentally ill, stupid or some combination of all 3. What was probably needed was a team of mental health worker, police, EMT & possibly an interpreter. But that would cost a ton of money. We might have to raise taxes or, even worse, demand the mayor, city council members, judges & bureaucrats take lower pay & work out of utilitarian rather than palatial office spaces. Police officers are the default 1st responders in most situations & there is no way any one human can be trained to deal with any & everything they may encounter. I mean, nobody thought of calling the Fire Department or the restaurant's lawn service to deal with this guy.

On the 10% or all cops are bad front, my training as a researcher sends me to the data. The latest data I could easily find was from the Department of Justice in 2015. More recent data is probably available, but I have to care for my wife & don't have the inclination to spend the day chasing things on the web. From this data set, in round numbers, there were more than 53 million contacts between the police & public in 2015. From the "wokest" publications I could find (The Washington Post & the Guardian) that had published a number, fewer than 1,000 people were killed by the police in 2015. Prima facie not a serious problem. Were some of them unjustified? Probably. But as we like to point out to anti-gunners, accidental drownings in private residential pools is a higher number & medical malpractice kills many more Americans. So I guess the rallying cry should be "All Doctors are Bastards".

There is really no point in all this. I just wanted to let you know that I consider myself a staunch individualist & strong constitutionalist (which I read in its entirety every January 1 to start my year, just like I read the Declaration of Independence every July 4) & I agree wholeheartedly with you that while bad cops are a major problem, they are also a tiny minority, I know it's not worth much, but since I can't say it to you in person, I wanted to do it publicly.

To those who want to call me a "bootlicker" for this. go ahead. It tells me a lot about you.

AC-130 Above

Kalash Klub
Oct 14, 2019
Zip code
@CQB27 First of all, thank you for the job you do. I mean that sincerely. I quoted your post & tagged you hoping you'll see this at some point. No rush or need to respond. Enjoy your vacation & spend time with your family.

You were absolutely correct in your other post. In America, the police are asked to deal with every social problem that doesn't have an easy answer. Perfect case in point, the man shot by the cops at Wendy's in Atlanta last night. The cops were called because of a man sleeping in the bushes as I understand it. Lawyers & insurance companies have made it so the restaurant manager won't deal with the problem from fear of liability. Who knows if this guy was high, mentally ill, stupid or some combination of all 3. What was probably needed was a team of mental health worker, police, EMT & possibly an interpreter. But that would cost a ton of money. We might have to raise taxes or, even worse, demand the mayor, city council members, judges & bureaucrats take lower pay & work out of utilitarian rather than palatial office spaces. Police officers are the default 1st responders in most situations & there is no way any one human can be trained to deal with any & everything they may encounter. I mean, nobody thought of calling the Fire Department or the restaurant's lawn service to deal with this guy.

On the 10% or all cops are bad front, my training as a researcher sends me to the data. The latest data I could easily find was from the Department of Justice in 2015. More recent data is probably available, but I have to care for my wife & don't have the inclination to spend the day chasing things on the web. From this data set, in round numbers, there were more than 53 million contacts between the police & public in 2015. From the "wokest" publications I could find (The Washington Post & the Guardian) that had published a number, fewer than 1,000 people were killed by the police in 2015. Prima facie not a serious problem. Were some of them unjustified? Probably. But as we like to point out to anti-gunners, accidental drownings in private residential pools is a higher number & medical malpractice kills many more Americans. So I guess the rallying cry should be "All Doctors are Bastards".

There is really no point in all this. I just wanted to let you know that I consider myself a staunch individualist & strong constitutionalist (which I read in its entirety every January 1 to start my year, just like I read the Declaration of Independence every July 4) & I agree wholeheartedly with you that while bad cops are a major problem, they are also a tiny minority, I know it's not worth much, but since I can't say it to you in person, I wanted to do it publicly.

To those who want to call me a "bootlicker" for this. go ahead. It tells me a lot about you.
I agree with you and all of what @CQB27 has said. Enough is enough

AC-130 Above

Kalash Klub
Oct 14, 2019
Zip code
Was hit from behind on my motorcycle today in pigeon forge.
got pushed 12 feet from a dead stop.
nothing broken so far.
hurt on left side and left hand and hip is useless so it is hard to walk.
going to ER.
will update when I know more.
my wife was thrown off the bike and landed on her feet then was hit by the truck and thrown down to her hands and knees and hurt both her wrist and knees.
again will update when done at ER.
Best wishes to you and your wife for a speedy recovery


If you can’t laugh at yourself you’re FUKT!!!
Kalash Klub
Lifetime Supporter
Dec 5, 2016
Goat Rodeo Clown
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Sometimes, as a parent, ya gotta let em scream. It sucks, but they gotta learn they can’t just get attention when they’re bored and don’t want to sleep.
I know you’re not the parent (allegedly), but whomever is needs to teach that kid.

“The first time a baby cries, it is for genuine want or need. Every time after that, it’s performance art”

Sum Smat Gy


Gone In 60 Seconds
Site Supporter
Kalash Klub
Lifetime Supporter
Mar 26, 2015
Dallas Ga.
Zip code
i have broken shit in my wrist and arm.
tendon damage to my left hand as well.
left hip may be fractured and must follow up with a orthopedist ASAP.
feel like i was hit by a Truck because i was hit by a Toyota Tundra....
my wife has Damage to both her Wrist and left knee mostly tendon damage.
so all in all not too bad considering we got hit by a Truck.


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Why leave anything here?
Kalash Klub
Lifetime Supporter
Aug 31, 2018
Zip code
i have broken shit in my wrist and arm.
tendon damage to my left hand as well.
left hip may be fractured and must follow up with a orthopedist ASAP.
feel like i was hit by a Truck because i was hit by a Toyota Tundra....
my wife has Damage to both her Wrist and left knee mostly tendon damage.
so all in all not too bad considering we got hit by a Truck.
Prayers lifted man. I know I'm on the other side of Atlanta, but, seriously, reach out if I can do anything to help.


Master of the Meat
Super Moderator
Kalash Klub
Lifetime Supporter
Apr 30, 2015
i have broken shit in my wrist and arm.
tendon damage to my left hand as well.
left hip may be fractured and must follow up with a orthopedist ASAP.
feel like i was hit by a Truck because i was hit by a Toyota Tundra....
my wife has Damage to both her Wrist and left knee mostly tendon damage.
so all in all not too bad considering we got hit by a Truck.
I sent you a text if you need any help let me know,, take care brother


Oct 14, 2019
Hannah's Mill
Sum body buy muh UMP

ALL FACTORY PARTS except for stock block and stock.

Factory Black USC.
HK Navy Lower with full auto cavity filled by HDPS.
HDPS stock block.
HDPS mill work on Upper Receiver (Registered/Serialized) including barrel vents.
Stainless ejector.
2X HK mags with HDPS follower and base plates.
Factory HK barrel cut and crowned by ADCO.
Factory sling and rails.
B&T folding short stock for a more comfortable length of pull.

PRICE: $3100

Willing to take $2500 cash and $700 trade value.

I will pull the barrel or add a brace to change the configuration from being a SBR after payment is made so you can take instant possession. Then I will file paperwork to remove from regestory


Last edited:

AC-130 Above

Kalash Klub
Oct 14, 2019
Zip code

This is from Australian news. They see it differently over there. The point I like is she says there is one set of rules for them and another for everyone else. I noticed early on that the use of many word has been excluded. Most notable are the words "riots" and "violence".

Hurts to watch.


Site Supporter
Kalash Klub
Oct 27, 2019
Macon ,GA.
i have broken shit in my wrist and arm.
tendon damage to my left hand as well.
left hip may be fractured and must follow up with a orthopedist ASAP.
feel like i was hit by a Truck because i was hit by a Toyota Tundra....
my wife has Damage to both her Wrist and left knee mostly tendon damage.
so all in all not too bad considering we got hit by a Truck.

I am glad you are somewhat O.K. and glad both of you weren't flattened by that truck. Thanks for sharing and my thoughts and prayers will be with you for a speedy recovery.