How hard is it to put a stock on those? Any welds/welding involved with de-banning them?
How hard is it to put a stock on those? Any welds/welding involved with de-banning them?
All Maadi's are painted with that fragile Egyptian paint. The are parked underneath that, so other than the cosmetics of it all the finish is good to go. All Egyptian mags are covered in the same paint. I actualy like the Craptastic Pharaoh Paint! It's true, it's not very durable, but it wears NICE and when it's done flaking from use the rifle actually looks really good.......used, like a Man's rifle should look!@CQB27 do you know what finish the Egyptians used? Just that really high glossy looking paint that chips lol.
wonder what made them go with that
Hell man I’m glad I said something. I had no idea. Gunna pass on er for sure.That has the original SAR-1 furniture.......BUT I have never seen a SAR-1 with crushed flat rivets like that! I would be suspicious that sometime in it's life that rifle has had it original rivets replaced by bubba, and at worst case the other parts may or may not be Cugir SAR. The receiver looks to have been refinished too, and show signs of prior rust/pitting, sanding (light inport marks) and some kind of paint applied. I would steer far away from that gun unless you really want it bad.
I just noticed the trunnion.......NOT SAR-1.....That's a kit build using a demilled SAR-1 receiver. Might be OK, might be junk. Based on the rivets I'm going with junk.
I thought this was the one you were talking about.....still priced too high, but a much better rifle.
If that rifle is 100% SAR-1 parts original......I would pay $450 for it.....because that's what a de-milled kit would be worth....and that's all that thing is.....a de-milled kit (maybe) hiding in a cobbled up piece of crap rifle silhouette. If the barrel is not old country CHF/CL.....then I would be at $250- $300 for a buy. That guy is either really AK dumb or Con Man Smart!Hell man I’m glad I said something. I had no idea. Gunna pass on er for sure.
Dem sum flat ass rivets, good eye bro!That has the original SAR-1 furniture.......BUT I have never seen a SAR-1 with crushed flat rivets like that! I would be suspicious that sometime in it's life that rifle has had it original rivets replaced by bubba, and at worst case the other parts may or may not be Cugir SAR. The receiver looks to have been refinished too, and show signs of prior rust/pitting, sanding (light inport marks) and some kind of paint applied. I would steer far away from that gun unless you really want it bad.
I just noticed the trunnion.......NOT SAR-1.....That's a kit build using a demilled SAR-1 receiver. Might be OK, might be junk. Based on the rivets I'm going with junk.
I thought this was the one you were talking about.....still priced too high, but a much better rifle.
All Maadi's are painted with that fragile Egyptian paint...when it's done flaking from Bubba trying to remove the crutch folding stock, the rifle actually looks really good.......used, like a Man's rifle should look!
Dem sum flat ass rivets, good eye bro!
I will get the inferior crutch off. Not bubba if it’s not a permanent mod.FIXED
Look at these Rivets Holy Shit that looks awful.Thanks for your detailed response. This is the one I am looking at:
Item Relisted! FS/FT Romanian SAR1 and Ruger mini14
Item has been relisted, you can find the new listing at: Item Name: FS/FT Romanian SAR1 and Ruger mini 14. Location: Pike County Zip Code: 30295 Item is for: Sale or Trade Sale Price: $1,500 Trade
I offered $700 for it. He came down to $850. Said the barrel is threaded and the bayo lug is not ground off which I thought was weird
What’s the difference between Wasr 10 and Wasr 10/63? Isn’t the 10 built off leftovers? And of course one was once single stack
Same10/63 or none for me.
I will get the inferior crutch off. Not bubba if it’s not a permanent mod.
I will get the inferior crutch off. Not bubba if it’s not a permanent mod.
What’s the difference between Wasr 10 and Wasr 10/63? Isn’t the 10 built off leftovers? And of course one was once single stack
Oh wow. I did not know that!@Gaige don't know if you knew this, but all the AKMs in the original Red Dawn were Maadi imports. There are lots of pics on the web of what's left of them, and they are all in collector's hands now. Sooooooo....every time somebody post's Wolverines meme......MAADI!
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If you want a fixed stock, buy any other AK that already has one...
10's and 10/63's both came into the country with single stack mag wells that Century opened up. 10/63s are built using Romanian Military de-milled PM md 63 kits with a New Romanina CHF/CL barrel/, in most cases a new bolt and a new receiver. 10/63 are basically kit builds done in Romania with all Romy parts at the Romak/Cugir factory to skirt by the 1998 import ban. 10's come off the production line as brand new rifles. I'm just like you and @Fast306stang .....give me the 10/63 cause some Romanian soldier once dragged most of the parts around for a few years.What’s the difference between Wasr 10 and Wasr 10/63? Isn’t the 10 built off leftovers? And of course one was once single stack