Howard Law

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  • Hover

    Votes: 3 12.5%
  • Wipe and sit

    Votes: 10 41.7%
  • Birdnest

    Votes: 5 20.8%
  • eww, i'm to uppidy to use a public tiolet

    Votes: 6 25.0%

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Kalash Klub Babysitter
Kalash Klub
Lifetime Supporter
Sep 24, 2015
I understand the time issues. We would break them into groups. Infield outfield and hitting then rotate every 15 min or so then do a full practice to let them see why in love form. If you don’t have extra coaches ask the parent watching to help if they can. You’d be surprised some actually want to help anyway they can for all the kids success.

I helped coach in the Fall. I was at practice anyway and there were only 2 coaches, so I became the third. I really wanted to Assistant Coach this Spring with someone who knew better about how to run practice and who had more ability to coach skills than I do.

We have one Dad who should help full-time, and another about 50-50. In the Fall some of the parents watched practice, but the majority didn't. I honestly don't know where most of the parents were. They were either sitting in their car or said peace out and dropped the kid off and left.

Old Skool

Site Supporter
Oct 14, 2019
I think baseball starting earlier is probably beneficial, but @Old Skool shared some stats with me the other day about those that make it to the NFL. The majority never played until High School. The point being that some just "have it" and they'll make it regardless. You don't have to be like Tiger Woods and start practicing golf as an infant to be great.

Said fact -

3% of NFL players played pop Werner. 3%, let that sink in.

They all played sports growing up, baseball, basketball, tennis, karate, whatever, but never tried out for football until high school.

Athleticism, hard work, and coordination are all learned playing sports, but 8 year old brains and spines don't need to be getting hit growing up.

Most parents have great intentions. Mark23 had great approach. But I've also seen lots of parents doing harm to their kids and not know it. Even if the kid is just miserable, and didn't want to be there

Old Skool

Site Supporter
Oct 14, 2019
And..... teamwork, sportsmanship, pushing through, determination, social skills, lots and lots and life skills get taught through sports.

I love sports, hope my kids play year round, but just have seen parents do more harm than good. Not intentionally by any means


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Kalash Klub
May 17, 2016
Zip code
And..... teamwork, sportsmanship, pushing through, determination, social skills, lots and lots and life skills get taught through sports.

I love sports, hope my kids play year round, but just have seen parents do more harm than good. Not intentionally by any means

No wrestling. My kids did baseball, soccer, football, wrestling. Thankfully none of it for too long.

Wresting is the worst. Inside, all freaking day, might have a match at 8AM (after 7AM weigh-in), then not another match til that afternoon. Screaming parents (women are the worst) - buncha lardasses that ought to be outside doing something productive.


If you can’t laugh at yourself you’re FUKT!!!
Kalash Klub
Lifetime Supporter
Dec 5, 2016
Goat Rodeo Clown
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I'm pretty apprehensive about it honestly but I'll feel better after our first practice. At a max of 2 1.5 hour practices a week there's not much time to teach a lot and very little time for everyone to hit and field each practice.
I get it.
When I got roped into being the Scoutmaster I nearly had a panic attack. I thought I had no idea what I was doing, wouldn’t be able to find fun things to do, I’d do something stupid, and the parents wouldn’t help. Plus I already hated public speaking, and now I’d be front and center at the ceremonies.

Turns out I was right.

But I got the hang of it eventually. They realized that I was a bit quirky, but meant well.

The parents still never really helped much.

This is the real story of how I earned my “I.D. -10- T” badge.


Meme boojahideen
Kalash Klub
Oct 31, 2019
Well, from what I'm reading, adults have turned kids playing kids games into serious business...renting out indoor batting cages for PEAK performance....

Yeah. I have little respect for 30 year olds who spend 8-20hours a week playing video games
Or watching sports. Any dude who can spout off NFL stats on any given player, but can’t tell me his wife’s favorite restaurant or kids favorite game has got his priorities out of whack... just my opinion though.


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Kalash Klub
May 17, 2016
Zip code
Yeah. I have little respect for 30 year olds who spend 8-20hours a week playing video games
Or watching sports. Any dude who can spout off NFL stats on any given player, but can’t tell me his wife’s favorite restaurant or kids favorite game has got his priorities out of whack... just my opinion though.

You just described a typical American male of 2020.

Bring on the Virus!


Kalash Klub
Lifetime Supporter
Jul 5, 2015
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One son does football then track and the other cross country then track. The first is a thrower and the second a sprinter.

Track meets are a royal PIA but I attend the ones I can. Tuesday night my son didn't get home until 10:30 and the meet started at 1.

And the coach generally won't let them leave early so they can cheer on their teammates.

Buddy of mine in Florida started his son early in baseball. He told me stories of 15 year olds needing reconstructive surgery on their arms they threw so much. Ugh!


Steering wheel holder
Super Moderator
Kalash Klub
Lifetime Supporter
Aug 11, 2015
Ball Ground
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My 8-year-old son plays baseball pretty much year-round, and has for about 4 years now(his choice). Fall ball, Spring ball and All-Stars in the summer. He is a natural at baseball. His first year playing he played Fall ball then Spring ball and then tried out for the All-Star team and made it and did really well.

This past fall he took off from baseball and wanted to play soccer. He had never played soccer before and was on a 9/10 year old team because of his birthday being in January(he always gets bumped up to the next highest age bracket, even in baseball, because of his birthday). He didn't enjoy it that much because he was playing with a bunch of older kids and they had all been playing for several years. I wish that it was different but that's the way that most kids sports are these days. If you haven't been playing and you are above the age of 5 or 6 you are gonna be behind automatically.


Kalash Klub Babysitter
Kalash Klub
Lifetime Supporter
Sep 24, 2015
One son does football then track and the other cross country then track. The first is a thrower and the second a sprinter.

Track meets are a royal PIA but I attend the ones I can. Tuesday night my son didn't get home until 10:30 and the meet started at 1.

And the coach generally won't let them leave early so they can cheer on their teammates.

Buddy of mine in Florida started his son early in baseball. He told me stories of 15 year olds needing reconstructive surgery on their arms they threw so much. Ugh!

Brother-in-law did travel ball year-round and was a good pitcher. Oddly enough that went against him when he went to try to play for the high school because no one really knew him since he didn't grow up playing rec league with a lot of the guys. That, and sometimes High School becomes more about what you donate and parents being involved in Booster Clubs and politics, which is BS.

My belief as a parent is that if your kid is good enough, they'll play despite all that. Time will tell how right I am, but that's how it was back in 1927 when I played.