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Black Bear under anesthesia
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Kalash Klub
Jul 1, 2015
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Thanks for the other ones. They were nice lol

You're welcome! I had 6 left and Uncle Steve-O said he wanted a few bc he was moving to a blue state and these would be legal. So I sent him pics of the 6 thinking I'd give him the pick of the litter for a few mags and he hit me with the reply, "I'll take them all!" I'd have felt like a douche if I backtracked on him considering his situation so that's how I lost all of them lol


If you can’t laugh at yourself you’re FUKT!!!
Kalash Klub
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Dec 5, 2016
Goat Rodeo Clown
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While I view this PC bullshit with the same disdain - it is NOT persecution.

Oklahoma had a big Ten Commandments statue at the capitol. Ok, no problem. Then the Devil worshippers sued for equal representation...Ok, that caused some wadded panties for sure.

So - at some point you either have State-endorsed religion and the symbols that go with it, or you allow all, or you allow none.
I'm for allowing none - everyone get treated equally. You want a monument to Baal in your yard, rock on. Just don't put it on taxpayer-funded grounds.

Persecution would be the State telling you you can't do what you want on PRIVATE property, or not allowing assembly, speech, etc....

Ok, maybe we have slightly different views on what persecution is. Mine might be calling the ball a bit early.
I do like what you said here about everyone being treated equally. I believe that is a very important part of our laws.
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Meme boojahideen
Kalash Klub
Oct 31, 2019
(Catching up after the work day)

No, that wasn’t really what I was referring to.

On a slight side note regarding misreading bible stuff, it’s not “Thou shalt not KILL”, its “Thou shalt not commit murder”, an entirely different situation.
People misread stuff all the time, and sometimes it’s because it serves them better to do so. I try not to be one of those.

So I was really referencing Atlas Shrugged, and the popular belief (possibly based on your Timothy verse) about money being bad that is addressed thoroughly in that excellent book.

Yes, I didn’t wanna assume, I’m 100% capitalist But there definitely are some greedy folk out there. And I’m glad you pointed that out I’ve heard so many anti gun loons point out that commandment and it’s almost not worth explaining it to them


If you can’t laugh at yourself you’re FUKT!!!
Kalash Klub
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Dec 5, 2016
Goat Rodeo Clown
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It has been long settled that the power to tax is the power to destroy. The reason that Churches are not subject to certain taxation falls under the First Amendment. Taxation of the practice of a religion is an inhibition of a fundamental right to the free practice thereof. While the government's power to tax is vast, the First Amendment applies limits to that power of taxation. Taxing Churches would not only inhibit philanthropic missions, but it would vest in the state some greater expectation of philanthropy. Is the expectation to levy taxes on the church and give government even more money? You can leave the Church if they start doing things you don't agree with, but you can't leave society in the same way. For a bunch of independent freedom-lovers, there are some curious opinions here. Why champion the imposition of more taxes on more people instead of arguing that more activities go untaxed? I don't see how the viewpoints of "taxation is theft" and "Churches should be taxed" is easily reconciled.
Well said!!!

Now I gotta reread what I wrote and make sure I didn’t say something stupid about taxing churches, because something about half this smartly written was bouncing around in my noggin...


If you can’t laugh at yourself you’re FUKT!!!
Kalash Klub
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Dec 5, 2016
Goat Rodeo Clown
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I do have a problem when the tax exempt status is exploited. There's a church here that owns a large property with several really nice houses on it and they're tax exempt as I understand it.
I’d rather see all of us pay less taxes, or no taxes at all.


Black Bear under anesthesia
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Kalash Klub
Jul 1, 2015
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Is that actually a thing? That solidifies my stance on churches being taxed.

There's a fairly large church south of here that the neighborhood next to it is all church members. As I understand it, that while neighborhood is tax exempt as it's considered to be church property.