The problem is that there isn't enough PM to realistically back the USD at this point.
We will need to reset prices. Chop off 2 zeros, at least. Russian did it twice during its 1990s hyperinflation. It is doable.
The issue of several times more "paper" gold circulating than then is physical gold in teh worls is different by realated. Paper investors will burn. Never buy paper PM. If you do not have it in your safe, you do not own it. Most of PM IRAs are scams.
I’ve got a buddy who built his AK about 8 years ago from an 80% receiver and a “virgin Yugo parts kit”. He couldn’t get it to headspace consistently, and made a mess of the whole thing. I’ve only seen it once about 7 years ago, he fired it once then threw it in the back of the safe. Apparently he messed up a couple of the rivets in the kit, had to finish it with screws, and the barrel was chambered for something other than x39, plus the company he bought the kit from was out of business by the time he realized, so he had to buy another barrel from elsewhere.
Now his opinion of all AKs is that they never will headspace. He tried his gauge in a few AKs at a shop and had similar results.
Any idea why he’s have these issues? I thought maybe he had a kit that needed a 1.5 mm receiver and he put a 1mm receiver on it, maybe that would be a problem? I asked, and he didn’t know there was a difference.
Bulged RPK trunnion will not fit into the AKM receiver, not without a major deformation to the receiver. If he did that he screwed up royally. 1.5mm receiver has bulges for the oversized trunnion (except Chinese, they used 1.5mm receivers on their AKM, that's one of the main reasons why Century's Egypt/Sino mutt AKs are such clustershow)
Yugo AKs are different animals and should not be built by novice builders. It is more like building an RPK.
Jugoslavia built rifles in 8mm Mauser too (instead of 7.62x54r), so if he used 8mm barrel, he REALLY F-ed up.
There are multiple things that went wrong.