Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

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Kalash Klub
Sep 6, 2016
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That's not the take away for me in the video... it's the effect of rounds being fired, in anger... I guess my main point is that if the wife and husband were armed, it might be a very different outcome.

The second point being that a pistol being fired until slide lock, might not be enough... imagine if it were people who are trying to really kill you.

If you think a 9mm mag in your G17 will negate all of your problems in a self defense situation, you might find yourself on the short end of the stick.

You're not wrong at all, that's why I constantly tell loved ones always carry with 1 chambered and to have more than 1 mag.

Red Squirrel 556

Street Justice Department
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Kalash Klub
Sep 24, 2020
A couple of things I took away from it to when talking with @Bigigloopt2 and @sjhebb

backstory is obviously they had previous disputes. That particular day Husband and Wife were shoveling snow and throwing it into shooters yard. Shooter came out and told them not to shovel snow onto his property and husband and wife started to verbally insult him. Husband approached shooter and “cocked back his fist” like he was going to punch him.

audio on video kicks on as shooter is going back into his home to retrieve handgun. Husband and wife are still hurling insults and husband states he’ll beat his ass make his life a living hell etc etc.

that’s just the breakdown and isn’t there to insinuate anyone deserved anything, was justified in anything, just the facts as we know them now.

things I observed,

you’re outside talking shit, having an altercation, threatening, and escalating it to physical violence yet have no weapon on you, or plan for where your projected violence is going to.

when a person is involved in a hearted argument, then retreats to their vehicle, or home etc it’s for one of two things usually. Actually retreating to leave the situation, or retreating to recover a weapon they think will help their outcome. Husband and wife should have suspected he may return with gun, which based on their reaction seems like they did

when shooter approaches with gun in hand, husband and wife both not only continue to verbally threaten him, but close the distance with him. Unarmed.

Shooter starts to engage husband and wife and they literally stand there, for seconds, in fact they never attempt to seek cover, rush him and take control of gun, flee, duck, ZERO life preserving movements at all. I don’t know why, this part has me really confused. It’s only when husband takes a shot that he realizes gunz iz bad fer muh health

after husband is shot wife continues to stand there perplexed that he was shot, this isn’t a “shock” thing they seemed well in control of their verbal insults and motor skills though they chose not to use the later for anything

once wife takes hits and falls she continues talking shit.

Shooter retreats to recover a long gun and finish the deed

during this time by standers show up, none of them attempt any first aid, none of them are armed even though they’re responding to a still active shooting. They don’t know how to provide aid or stop the threat and are not equipped to do either.

man shows up and the rest is history.

Seemed like 3 people were 100% fine with dying that day. Nothing the husband and wife did plays in conjunction with people who want to still be alive. It’s almost difficult to believe their egos led them completely to just dying instead of trying, anything, not even to move a foot left or right, just absorbed bullets like a sponge

the bystanders/first responders were nothing but liabilities. They brought nothing to the table. No first aid skills or equipment, no weapons or plan to stop the threat, no cellphone to even call.
WTF are you even doing here?
That's why I never talk shit to strangers.

And rather than yelling "call the cops", I would have already been behind cover with a long gun ready to put a bead on him by the time he got back out of the house...

Stay strapped or get clapped. Shoulda had the heater on him.


Kalash Klub
Jul 10, 2018