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GA Firing Line
  1. Bypass

    Any golfers on here?

    I am retired so I either golf or fish or hang out by the pool. Fishing sucks this time of year and it is getting a little too cool for the pool so golfing it is.
  2. Bypass

    Any golfers on here?

    Spring lakes in Chatsworth.
  3. Bypass

    Any golfers on here?

    LOL, I miss Robin Williams.
  4. Bypass

    Brief CZ Scorpion EVO3 S1 Review.

    Nice grouping Laufen.
  5. Bypass

    Any golfers on here?

    It is cheaper in the long run that way. It is 11 dollars a day per person so 22 a day for me and a guest and I play now 5 days a week. So that is 110 per week 440 per month and 5280 per year. Or there abouts. I paid 2500 for the cart and 775 for the 6 by 10 trailer. So I am saving money in the...
  6. Bypass

    Any golfers on here?

    Got a new cart and a new trailer. New old set of ping eye 2 irons and a kick ass set of cobra woods. Ready to hit the links. Where do you guys play?
  7. Bypass


  8. Bypass

    Public toilets?

    I need a beer.
  9. Bypass

    Public toilets?

    LOL, thanks Sam. I think you are a bit of alright as well. ;)
  10. Bypass

    Gear and SET

    Right on.. :)
  11. Bypass

    6 more days until Alabama plays.

    You guys are dicks. ;)
  12. Bypass

    6 more days until Alabama plays.

    Yep, They deserve it after last year though. They didn't beat us by much.
  13. Bypass

    I hate to say this but I see it all the time.

    he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one. It is not Jesus saying you need a sword so go buy one it is Jesus shaming the person for bringing it up. You would look funny walking around naked with only a sword.
  14. Bypass

    6 more days until Alabama plays.

    Yay!!! Ranked third starting out this season. Just gotta hold onto that position until the end of the year. Maybe time for a rematch with Ohio state.
  15. Bypass

    Public toilets?

  16. Bypass

    US Army getting JHP's?

  17. Bypass

    US Army getting JHP's?

    Funny thing is that it was the ammo we were issuing the IPs. So I just grabbed a few boxes for myself and my boys. I figured fuck these assholes they don't need em and more than likely they will be fired in my direction so why not send em right back. Rover red rover and all style.
  18. Bypass

    US Army getting JHP's?

    I know right. :evil: