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American Revival Apparel Company
  1. Bypass

    Going off grid with solar power.

    Right on, I am paying 350 a month for power right now and I would love to get rid of the power company because I know it will only go up in the future.
  2. Bypass

    Going off grid with solar power.

    I like where I am at at the moment. Got a pool and a 6500 gallon KOI pond so water is not a issue. Right now I feel like my neighbors have my back right up until the point where they don't at which time that will be dealt with. I am going to look into all options to maintain power at all times...
  3. Bypass

    Going off grid with solar power.

    I am thinking about installing or I should say having installed a solar power system to take my home off the power grid. Has anyone done this? If so how much does a system like this normally run to go completely off grid? Having my power on when the rest of the planet is in darkness just seems...
  4. Bypass

    Cooking with a Alabama fan.

    BTW Roll Tide!!!
  5. Bypass

    Cooking with a Alabama fan.

  6. Bypass

    Here's some of mine.

    First is my unit patch second and third are combat patches. So they are kinda in order. :)
  7. Bypass

    Lower ammo prices?

    I wasn't aware the prices had dropped that much. I am sitting on a stash and haven't purchased any ammo in a while.
  8. Bypass

    Lower ammo prices?

    They will probably keep charging the same inflated prices regardless.
  9. Bypass

    Here's some of mine.

    I wore lightning bolts all around.
  10. Bypass

    One of the Greatest Hockey Players Ever Has No F*cks to Give

    Yeah I would be like post that shit. I don't care.
  11. Bypass

    Poll: How many cans do you own?

    I have one ATM for a 9mm pistol that also works on my 10/22. I really need to get a can for my 5.56 SBR. That thing is loud as can be. Thinking I might go with a 30 cal can for it.
  12. Bypass

    Is lock picking a skill worth learning?

    Nah I have a steel toed boot and 270 lbs behind it.
  13. Bypass

    Home Defense: AR vs Shotgun

    I prefer a shotgun in most situations at home but if I ever have to shoot over or around someone I am going to wish I had a AR.
  14. Bypass

    Home Defense: AR vs Shotgun

    Ha ha!!
  15. Bypass

    Fighting Rifle

    I shot my buddy one time with a BB gun.
  16. Bypass

    Fireclean, aka Crisco?

    Cool, I can use cooking oil to lube my guns.
  17. Bypass

    Gun Rights Activism

    That's my goal.
  18. Bypass

    Gun Rights Activism

    I kick people in the nuts or the Vjay who don't like guns. How's that?
  19. Bypass

    Anyone besides me play Golf on the Playstation?

    Sounds like a blast. :)
  20. Bypass

    Any golfers on here?

    Wow, living on the course would get me in trouble. I would be drunk night putting. ;) You should get back into it if you find the time. I have a lot of fun doing it.