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GA Firing Line
  1. EugenFJR

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    You gave me the wrong number... It's 867-5309 !
  2. EugenFJR

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    Use a glass, you uncouth heathen!
  3. EugenFJR

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    I thought that your truck was the "Concrete" color... now I can see it's Silver. The good thing about a Silver truck is that it pretty much never looks dirty.
  4. EugenFJR

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    Do you have a. 308 AR? AND if not, how much for the 2 twenty round mags?
  5. EugenFJR

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    There was a guy on YouTube who went by the name "The Pink Guy" who did videos on fake Karate masters, the videos are pretty funny. Just a FYI.
  6. EugenFJR

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    They don't work very well, the turd tray was rather small, and filled up in a day or two. Thus requiring more days checking on the cat box, and having to empty it. I guess there are cat people and dog people, I just happen to be a dog person.
  7. EugenFJR

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    Yes, the Frank the Tank might get me up at 0400, but to be fair, I might have gone to bed early the night before, maybe 1900 and not taken him for his evening walk... not to mention, my insomnia, so if I'm up, he thinks, fuck it, let's go for a walk... We have had a few Dachshunds, and yes...
  8. EugenFJR

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    My wife found a dumpster kitty about 12 years ago... it had really stinky breath until it's 2 front fangs fell out... now, all this time later, it's kind of a asshole ... it meows EVERY SINGLE MORNING until you wake up at 0630, and then at 1700 on the dot. It's even trying to make friends with...
  9. EugenFJR

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    Who pays $1,000.00 for a cat? The last 2 cat we had just showed up... my next 2 Rottweilers probably won't cost 1k each. (*if I can find 2 Rottweiler puppies, from a rescue group who are docked, and unmixed, I'll rescue them 1st, before buying 2 pure bread Rottweilers. ) I'm not sure where I...
  10. EugenFJR

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    That box of ammo would be from November of 1995.
  11. EugenFJR

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    Dad let's me drive slowly in the driveway on Sundays.
  12. EugenFJR

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    That's from Kmart from back in the day before SKU numbers. Key 7 was the department number for Sporting Goods. From the color of the price tag, I'm guessing it's from 70's. I know in the 90's the tag was white with Kmart on the top of the sticker.
  13. EugenFJR

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    They call the color "Concrete" but it's really Luftwaffe gray.
  14. EugenFJR

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    Black multi-cam.
  15. EugenFJR

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    Do you keep your motorcycle in your house?
  16. EugenFJR

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    I never had a problem with PSA, as a matter of fact, I had a mid length PSA upper, that was exceeding accurate. And a PSA rifle in .308, that I can hit a 8 inch plate at 200 yards, with iron sights. All that being said, I understand the hatred... I have a pathological hatred of Chevrolet...
  17. EugenFJR

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    I have/had one of those as well... no idea where it might be in the house right now. I'm so used to not wearing anything on my wrist, it might be hard to start wearing a watch again. I can't stand wearing a wedding ring, it drives me bonkers.
  18. EugenFJR

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    To be fair, you're not getting any closer to 5.45x39 either. LOL.
  19. EugenFJR

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    What's a P83 Wanad?
  20. EugenFJR

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    Get a G-Shock... way better. How are you going to read a 1:50,000 map with that thing?