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Faktory 47
  1. dougiemac

    Public toilets?

    nothing but the best intentions for you all.
  2. dougiemac

    Public toilets?

    Thank you for patronizing our sponsor!
  3. dougiemac

    Public toilets?

    I have a great friend who has been helping spread the word and grow our site, start an awesome apparel company that you all will love. Some of you already know about it.... Faktory47. In fact, he has a banner on the site now and is offering a 10% discount on orders using the secret code...
  4. dougiemac

    Public toilets?

    I do need to get some sponsorship but I wanted to get the traffic up before I start hitting businesses up for ad money.
  5. dougiemac

    Public toilets?

    it’s called I don’t do this for a paycheck, I do it because I love the community.
  6. dougiemac

    Public toilets?

    By the way... well played. I like your style.
  7. dougiemac

    Public toilets?

    Ummm... you tell me. I haven’t made a dime in profit in 6 years running and building this site. LOL
  8. dougiemac

    Public toilets?

    No worries mate... it was just an idea... I thought a good idea, but I don't want to rock your all's boats too much. Again, like I said in my first message, I sincerely appreciate you all being here and the content you create and the community you build. There was no hidden agenda with this...
  9. dougiemac

    Public toilets?

    That's basically what I suggested. Giving y'all your own playground to build how you see fit and managed by you with the hopes that critical content would be broken out at times for easy access for others to find about Kalash related stuff. However it has been met with resistance, so we will...
  10. dougiemac

    Public toilets?

    Okay... well it was just a thought to help build and support what you all have created. Carry on... if y'all change your mind, let me know.
  11. dougiemac

    Public toilets?

    I've never showed any resistance to this thread. There are potential technical issues that are growing with indexing of threads that contain 10K or more posts as well as newbies coming in can't find the incredible content that you all share as it's buried deep into a thread that has 10K posts.
  12. dougiemac

    Public toilets?

    It would be the origin thread for the Kalash Klub, however we are potentially reaching a technical issue with the indexing of the sheer size of one thread. Additionally, the Kalash Klub OG's could move topics that they feel are critical into their own thread for easy access for others to find...
  13. dougiemac

    Public toilets?

    I'm sad that you view it that way. I see it as building up and supporting what you've created. I don't see how in anyway that is destroying? Does everyone else feel this way?
  14. dougiemac

    Public toilets?

    Hey hey hey good afternoon Kalash'ers! So... I wanted to thank you all for being here. Seriously, you all provide so much content as well as help build this community into what it has become today. Your contributions have not gone unnoticed. You all have become an intricate part of Southeast...
  15. dougiemac

    Public toilets?

    Wow! That took forever to get to you! Damn USPS!
  16. dougiemac

    Public toilets?

    That’s awesome! My homie owns that company. He’s a super good dude.
  17. dougiemac

    Public toilets?

    nope. Just letting him sober up.
  18. dougiemac

    Public toilets?

    is that a Faktory 47 hoodie?
  19. dougiemac

    Public toilets?

    btw... I’m still looking for an Arsenal or Zastava AK in 762x39 to gift a very deserving person. If ya have something reasonably priced, let me know.
  20. dougiemac

    Public toilets?

    Merry Christmas ya filthy animals! I truly love y’all.