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Southeast Traders Apparel Swag Store
  1. karlvv

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    No balls. Everyone knows what he is. Might as well let him stay around and prove it. Banning assholes ain't our thing.
  2. karlvv

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    You can do some awesome things with a welder and a fifth of vodka.
  3. karlvv

    Econ Precious Metals

    Always will be. Seems like there might be a club and the plebs aren't in it.
  4. karlvv

    Econ Precious Metals

    Yup. It's all a scam and they will not lose.
  5. karlvv

    Econ Precious Metals

    I don't care either. I'm holding for the apocalypse.
  6. karlvv

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    We all want to see the dick pics.
  7. karlvv

    Econ Precious Metals

    It shows spot down 2.65ish but the rounds are selling for the price they would be if spot was at 30. Full-blown clown world.
  8. karlvv

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    That sucks. He's a year younger than me.
  9. karlvv

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    I'd rather give em a different pill. All lawyers are shit. Except the ones here. Dey good.
  10. karlvv

    Econ Precious Metals

    Hold the line bruh!
  11. karlvv

    Econ Precious Metals

    Jm is saying 8-12 days to ship and they have nothing in stock. Clown world.
  12. karlvv

    Foreign Weapons and Obscure Builds V3

    It feels like someone stabbed me in my spine. Worst Eva. I have patches on my back and hips and it ain't helping. I might need some jazz cabbage.
  13. karlvv

    Econ Precious Metals

    Stonk! Hold the line sellout.
  14. karlvv

    Econ Precious Metals

    Show the pic of that stockpile.
  15. karlvv

    Econ Precious Metals

    He showed a pic. He doesn't own pm's. He trades them in worthless papers.
  16. karlvv

    Econ Precious Metals

    Not at all. It's paper. That doesn't make sense to anyone.
  17. karlvv

    Econ Precious Metals

    I don't buy stock. Paper is garbage. Even dollars.
  18. karlvv

    Econ Precious Metals

    So they are scrapping precious metals after 20 years of doing their thing and you buy it on paper and make money on it? Sounds like a good plan.
  19. karlvv

    Econ Precious Metals

    You buy CC's from dirty ass thieves and sell them for profit while never seeing any of them. You are part of the problem.