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American Revival Apparel Company
  1. EugenFJR

    Public toilets?

    7.62x39 AR? Talk about Ghey... That's Liberace ghey right there.
  2. EugenFJR

    Public toilets?

    No, Cobb County. I live a mile away from Paulding county.
  3. EugenFJR

    Public toilets?

    No, not that. I have to get my Georgia tags for my car, I finally took it to get it's emissions test done. And get the title switched over from Wisconsin to Georgia.
  4. EugenFJR

    Public toilets?

    I get to go to the DMV today!
  5. EugenFJR

    Public toilets?

    I drove it from Wisconsin, no issues and I'll drive it tomorrow before I get the test done. It really is a pretty good old hooptie, and I found a buyer for it. I just need to get the tag and a Ga. Title for it, so I can transfer it to them.
  6. EugenFJR

    Public toilets?

    That's good news because I need to get the emissions test on my 2001 Lesabre, that never needed one because it was in a state that didn't require them. Going to get it tested tomorrow. Keeping my fingers crossed, so I can get the Ga. title and tag.
  7. EugenFJR

    Public toilets?

    A new pair of Crocs?
  8. EugenFJR

    Public toilets?

    Dick Farmers...
  9. EugenFJR

    Public toilets?

    :pound: Go play the Baby Shark song, and fix the toy sink...:puke1:
  10. EugenFJR

    Public toilets?

    I want to look at guns... not some dudes feet. It's like some people who like the fetish porn of people eating food off each other, or having sex in a giant bowl of spaghetti. Not to mention I've seen enough nasty ass feet being in the infantry.
  11. EugenFJR

    Public toilets?

    Thank God you posted a picture of your guns without your damn feet on it...
  12. EugenFJR

    Public toilets?

    My man room is a mess right now, I have 2 years of crap from Ft. McCoy in it right now.
  13. EugenFJR

    Public toilets?

    There is a Russian movie called "The Star" that is about a recon team that goes behind German lines. That is very good.
  14. EugenFJR

    Public toilets?

    I agree. But the movie was poorly done.There was a huge opportunity to make a good WWII movie with rarely see tanks, it just suffered from poor acting. I literally have 100's of books on WWII, the vast majority of them from the German perspective. As soon as I could read, I started reading...
  15. EugenFJR

    Public toilets?

    The tanks used in the movie were impressive, the actors and script, not so much.
  16. EugenFJR

    Public toilets?

    Polish Tantal? I should have bought one years ago when they were cheap....
  17. EugenFJR

    Public toilets?

    Yes, I have no idea when or if I'll ever build it.
  18. EugenFJR

    Public toilets?

    We still have Atlanta United... and even if they lose on the 28th, they have brought 3 championships to Atlanta in less than a year. I have a ton of Atlanta United shit in my man cave room as well, it's a weird mixture of WWII guns, German shit, and Atlanta United stuff.
  19. EugenFJR

    Public toilets?

    $800.00 bucks but it dosen't have the orginal furniture on it, it's t Tapco'ed out.