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American Revival Apparel Company
  1. EugenFJR

    Public toilets?

    I'm more of a "Frances Farmer will have her revenge on Seattle" kinda song guy... "She'll come back as fire, burn all the liers, and leave a blanket of ash on the ground "
  2. EugenFJR

    Public toilets?

    Anybody who uses a C clamp, and thinks that's the best way to shoot, I will automatically dismiss them as knowing anything about the subject of shooting.
  3. EugenFJR

    Public toilets?

    You should paint all of the thread protectors red...
  4. EugenFJR

    Public toilets?

    I don't think so... he would have to be in service sometime during a conflict. Example being, he could get a Global War on Terrorism tag, and not have served overseas. I'm unaware of a cold war veteran service ribbon, but I know it was proposed as a award for service members who were active duty...
  5. EugenFJR

    Public toilets?

    Fuck those long neck, deep throat faggots, and their goddamn jeep... fucking dick Farmers.
  6. EugenFJR

    Public toilets?

  7. EugenFJR

    Public toilets?

    1st... stepdaughter is coming over today, I'll be going to the beer store as soon as they open.
  8. EugenFJR

    Public toilets?

    Charlie company 2nd platoon, weapons squad...
  9. EugenFJR

    Public toilets?

    Not surprised, from what I have heard, she is frigid... So a milk shake named after her sounds about right.
  10. EugenFJR

    Public toilets?

    Paper plate alert... @Hayata. LOL.
  11. EugenFJR

    Public toilets?

    That article is the most leftists piece of shit I have ever read. Praising the ANTIFA/BLM riots, and calling the Proud Boys a right wing hate group. Let Portland burn, fucking idiot's supporting the true hate groups.
  12. EugenFJR

    Public toilets?

    Quit drinking toilet water...
  13. EugenFJR

    Public toilets?

    Harbor Freight had some TV wall mounts for around $20.00 awhile ago.
  14. EugenFJR

    Public toilets?

    Are you still looking for cardboard foam padded long boxes for your rifles? If so I have 4 or 5 of them, I'll trade you for 6 six pack of Miller lite. I'll measure them later today if you are interested in them.
  15. EugenFJR

    Public toilets?

    I'm going to give the Police a pretty wide berth and let them go on probable cause in this case.
  16. EugenFJR

    Public toilets?

    Any idea what the price will be?
  17. EugenFJR

    Public toilets?

    I'm pretty sure if I joined Twitter, just to troll that bitch, and tell her how happy I am that her BF got smoked, I'd get banned in a nano second.
  18. EugenFJR

    Public toilets?

    And if you have half a brain...
  19. EugenFJR

    Public toilets?

    And get caught in the rain?
  20. EugenFJR

    Public toilets?

    Did your friend get back with you about a possible trade, my PSL for his M76?