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GA Firing Line
  1. Bypass

    Let's talk about body armor.

    They have a good basic set at Galls.
  2. Bypass

    Why Don't People Train?

    I trained in the Army but I haven't done anything since then. Mostly I am just lazy and don't like being told what to do. ;)
  3. Bypass

    Let's talk about body armor.

    Will do. The carrier was /is around 600. I hate to say how much the plates are since they are pretty pricey. I am going to have to save up a little while for them. The carrier is going to be about 120 days before I get it so I should have the money for the plates by then. It is going to be quite...
  4. Bypass

    Let's talk about body armor.

    I currently have this on order. TYR Tactical™ PICO-PRO Assaulters Plate Carrier With these plates. PROTECH Tactical Multi-curve Level IV Stand Alone Rifle Plate...
  5. Bypass

    Show us your SBR or SBS.

  6. Bypass

    For those in the know.

  7. Bypass

    Awesome Gun picture thread

    I wish I could bro but I no longer have a 92 or a m9 to attach it to. I have just been using it on my 10/22 as of late. I pulled these old ones off the ODT. Horrible cell phone pics I know. I wish I could be more help but I am still banned from the ODT until tomorrow.
  8. Bypass

    Awesome Gun picture thread

    Grats on the lifetime membership bro. :)
  9. Bypass

    Awesome Gun picture thread

    ;). Nope they are all inert.
  10. Bypass

    Recipe Seasoning Cast Iron

    Thanks bro. I have always wondered how to season cast iron. :)
  11. Bypass

    What's everybody catchin'?

    My Co-captain just got both his knees replaced and I hate to fish without him. He can't get on the boat like normal and he is worried he might fall in the water since his balance is off. Hopefully in another month or two we will be back at it regular like. Awesome striper BTW.
  12. Bypass

    Awesome Gun picture thread

  13. Bypass

    Walking Dead Season Finale

    I need to get caught up. I have been watching old episodes of Supernatural the last few weeks. So I have two soon to be three on the DVR. I will watch it tomorrow.
  14. Bypass

    What's everybody catchin'?

    Right on. :)
  15. Bypass

    For those in the know.

    Not yet but with 14 eggs brewing it probably won't be long.
  16. Bypass

    What's everybody catchin'?

    I will have to give that a shot. Thanks for the heads up man. :)
  17. Bypass

    For those in the know.

    She totally is. I thought about changing their names from Donald and Daisy to ducky lucky and goosey loosey.
  18. Bypass

    •♦• 1911 Bliss •♦•

    Ed brown is a keeper. I think we all need one good 1911 it is just a man thing. I agree the slim lines of the 1911 fit my hands perfect as well. It is a tough decision trying to balance form and functionality and what we really need.
  19. Bypass

    For those in the know.

    Water mocassins. :eek: