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Faktory 47
  1. Bypass

    When SHTF, Do You BUG OUT? or BUG IN?

    I bug in and out all the time. ;) I should be set for about a year though before I have to venture out.
  2. Bypass

    What's your favorite shotgun?

    Nice man. 1100 is a great gun. The older shotties are some of my favorites as well. Really dig a nice classic Ithaca 37 as well.
  3. Bypass

    What's your favorite shotgun?

    Post pics. We love to see pics. :)
  4. Bypass

    *****The official ALABAMA football thread*****

    We'll be back next year and the year after that and the year after that....So on an so forth. ;)
  5. Bypass

    What's everybody catchin'?

    Right on, Sounds like a plan. :)
  6. Bypass

    What's everybody catchin'?

    Man I am ready to get back at it this year. Took the boat out last week and cranked her up. Purrs like a kitten. Will post some pics of the catches this year. I normally fish Carters lake in Georgia but I am hoping to hit Alabama some this year. Good luck out there all. :)
  7. Bypass

    For those in the know.

    LOL, Yeah that would take care of the baby duck problem. ;)
  8. Bypass

    For those in the know.

    I have a koi pond and some ducks. The fish are still alive surprisingly. Now the ducks are breeding like feathered web footed little rabbits. I don't know what I'm going to do with all the ducks. May have to do a giveaway. This is Donald and Daisy.