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Southeast Traders Apparel Swag Store
  1. Bypass

    What's everybody catchin'?

    Yeah getting out on the water is the way to go.
  2. Bypass

    What's everybody catchin'?

    Dirty little booger.
  3. Bypass

    Chicom AKs

    There are a lot of AKs out there and there are some good manufacturers and I have owned most of them at one time or another but the AKs I always come back to are the Norincos and Polytechs.
  4. Bypass

    The Springfield TRP

    I have owned a lot of 1911s. The TRP is probably the most well made 1911 I have ever owned. I am not talking about Nighthawks and Ed Browns and the likes. The TRP though is the best by far standard production fit and finished gun I have owned.
  5. Bypass

    What's everybody catchin'?

    That is huge.
  6. Bypass

    I'll be fat if I want to!!!

    Yeah at 275 now. I feel the same way. I didn't start gaining weight until the VA put me on all of these meds a few years ago. It sucks being over weight but like the guy said it is better than the alternative.
  7. Bypass

    Gen 2 Glocks

    I feel the same about them.
  8. Bypass


    Are you prepared? You have water, food, and ammunition? I need to work on the whole food situation but I think I have everything else covered for the most part. The worst thing for me will be running out of cigarettes.
  9. Bypass

    Gen 2 Glocks

  10. Bypass

    Gen 2 Glocks

    There is just something about them. No rails, no BS finger grooves. Just a perfect little gun. Am I the only one who thinks they should still make them?
  11. Bypass

    bolt guns

    I agree. Scout rifles are the way to go in thick brush like we have in GA.
  12. Bypass

    Why Don't People Train?

  13. Bypass

    Shotgun Porn

    Alright, I'll play. ;)