Nope lol. I saw someone on reddit make a clone and thought it was coolHave you priced the parts?
Nope lol. I saw someone on reddit make a clone and thought it was coolHave you priced the parts?
preach brother..You have heard of screw builds and shitty rivits jobs right?
Ever heard of the trunions being welded to the receiver instead of being rivits?
Holy - Error
Holy hell
Yeah man DOE build is big moniesHoly hell
9mm gen 2 with the threaded barrel for sure. This was a Gen 1 .40 non-threaded.Sub2k is as fun. Wish I would have kept mine
preach brother..
That’s what I ran in my AR-9. With the KAK extended heavy 9mm buffer.My buddy swears by running a .308 spring in his
LOL I’m a flipper because I bought something cheap and put it for TRADE for more than what I paid. What a joke lol
LOL I’m a flipper because I bought something cheap and put it for TRADE for more than what I paid. What a joke lol
I’m gone keep flippin. I might sign up for gymnasticsYou dirty flippin' flipper
I’m gone keep flippin. I might sign up for gymnastics
Glad you have colt mags. I’m a big Glock fan, but man do their mags look dumb in guns. Sub2k is about the only thing it looks good inI’ve already got an SBR AR-9 I can build around the lower differently. It’s a colt fed billet lower tho
View attachment 66250
I want this.