A word of caution. This catastrophe was sometime in late October.

There are some M+M10s that were imported into the country by M+M, which is the sole importer, but they were left unconverted, and sold to I.O. I was at my local gun shop and talking about whats available and we "found" these pretty cheap from a distributer so he ordered three of them. These rifles have I.O. stamped on the right side and M+M stamped in the usual place on the left side. That is good news cause it is easy to tell an I.O. M+M10. So the rifles come in and I'm all stocked until we go and try to put mags in them. They sent one of those cheap no name plastic mags with it , but we tried all the mags in the shop-- Magpul, Tapco, Surplus steel, etc. Upon closer inspection. the magazine well was improperly cut, and the front trunnion magazine ledge was half machined off during the opening up of the magazine well. The rifles were ruined. All sent back. Here are the ones I am talk about. Avoid these.
IO M10-762 7.62X39 16” 30RD BLK