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  • Hover

    Votes: 3 12.5%
  • Wipe and sit

    Votes: 10 41.7%
  • Birdnest

    Votes: 5 20.8%
  • eww, i'm to uppidy to use a public tiolet

    Votes: 6 25.0%

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Kalash Klub
Lifetime Supporter
Jul 5, 2015
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My wife saw the video and said something along the lines of "What art museum allows you to carry liquids of ANY kind?"

If it happened to me I'd point in the opposite direction and scream FIRE! at the top of my lungs!
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Weekend Warrior
Mar 27, 2015
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By the time I got to the POV video it was removed but the other is sickening... The poor girl's screams are something else...
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Shooters Edge

Mar 26, 2015
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Fuck Walmart. They are over rated anyways. The one here in Griffin aint nothing but a hangout for everybody. Seeing kids walk around in packs and shit with earbuds in. Dont even have a buggy! I will build my own AR, buy one locally or hit up
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Beloved flaming retard
Lifetime Supporter
Mar 23, 2015
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Fuck Walmart. They are over rated anyways. The one here in Griffin aint nothing but a hangout for everybody. Seeing kids walk around in packs and shit with earbuds in. Dont even have a buggy! I will build my own AR, buy one locally or hit up
Wow...that must be some shit hole if people hang out at Walmart.


Kalash Klub
Lifetime Supporter
Jul 5, 2015
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Well you know ARs are truly passe if Walmart won't even carry them!


Mar 25, 2015
Covington, Ga
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Political at every level. Why else would they stop selling them? One reason..just one that's not 100% political in nature.

The fuck if I do. I have very broad political interests and it's always a balancing act. I would never vote for a candidate if I thought they had a shot of further resticting gun rights in the term of their service.

1. The only time buying ARs at Wal-Mart was a decent deal was the 2 years after Sandy Hook because they didn't raise their prices. The were overpriced before and they are overpriced now. With the margins on "tactical" weapons what they are now, they decided to concentrate on higher margin hunting weapons and dedicate the valuable display real estate to them.

if I thought they had a shot of further resticting gun rights in the term of their service.
WTF does this mean? That a vote for Obama isn't an anti gun vote, because you knew he wouldn't be able to get it done? What if the constant anti gun drumbeat makes gun control more likely after their "term of service", would you hold any responsibility for that? Do you think that voting for the minority party, democrats in the state of Georgia, isn't anti gun, because they aren't in power at the time you cast your vote? I'm assuming you voted for Obama, if you didn't please correct me.


Mar 25, 2015
East Cobb Ga
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Oh not here too. I've been been like 15 different threads on the same topic next door. Laufen. You my username and password and go make points that people will listen to. It been going on for about a week. Guys were lucky enough to get clearance colt 6920 for $600. Dpms AR's for $250. Talks of them no longer carrying anymore ar caliber ammo as well.
Walmart says absolutely no more tactical accessories as well. Guys are saying that Blackhawk stuff is below 50% off. I've checked their website. All stuff AR15 is still now discounted.


Beloved flaming retard
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Mar 23, 2015
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1. The only time buying ARs at Wal-Mart was a decent deal was the 2 years after Sandy Hook because they didn't raise their prices. The were overpriced before and they are overpriced now. With the margins on "tactical" weapons what they are now, they decided to concentrate on higher margin hunting weapons and dedicate the valuable display real estate to them.

WTF does this mean? That a vote for Obama isn't an anti gun vote, because you knew he wouldn't be able to get it done? What if the constant anti gun drumbeat makes gun control more likely after their "term of service", would you hold any responsibility for that? Do you think that voting for the minority party, democrats in the state of Georgia, isn't anti gun, because they aren't in power at the time you cast your vote? I'm assuming you voted for Obama, if you didn't please correct me.
In 2008 guns weren't on the radar before or during the election..not at all. It was avoided all throughout the debates, and I knew that area of interest would be safe, so I could vote against McCain. In 2012, different story. Gun rights were all of a sudden a topic, and there was a possibility a President could have made a dent. I decided not to vote for the anti-gun candidate or Obama. I abstained from voting for President in 2012.
You have to look at the political climate, and think about what's possible given the make up of Congress, public sentiment, etc etc. It's a lot harder than just picking someone and riding the wagon, *gasp* you actually have to give the decision careful consideration.


Trusted Trader
Apr 8, 2015
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  • He says he has been attacked by black men and white females
  • He says has suffered racial discrimination, sexual harassment and bullying at work
  • He talks about how he was attacked for being a gay, black man

“Yes, it will sound like I am angry...I am. And I have every right to be. But when I leave this Earth, the only emotion I want to feel is peace....”

1 sick MFer
burn in hell


Beloved flaming retard
Lifetime Supporter
Mar 23, 2015
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I don't give a damn if their prices were good or not, that isn't what matters. What really matters is that they came out and made a huge POLITICAL statement. "Listen, for the good of the kids, we're not selling military style, military grade, assault rifles with extendo clips..or military grade assault shotguns" "We think they're bad for America, and people shouldn't own them". Well Fuck you walmart.


Mar 25, 2015
Covington, Ga
Zip code
In 2008 guns weren't on the radar before or during the election..not at all. It was avoided all throughout the debates, and I knew that area of interest would be safe, so I could vote against McCain. In 2012, different story. Gun rights were all of a sudden a topic, and there was a possibility a President could have made a dent. I decided not to vote for the anti-gun candidate or Obama. I abstained from voting for President in 2012.
You have to look at the political climate, and think about what's possible given the make up of Congress, public sentiment, etc etc. It's a lot harder than just picking someone and riding the wagon, *gasp* you actually have to give the decision careful consideration.

Obama was anti gun in 2008. Every vote you cast for anyone with a D next to their name is an anti gun vote, and gives the anti gun side ammunition. Even the pro gun democrats are for expanded background checks and magazine restrictions. I've noticed you expect the voters on the other side to protect your gun rights by holding every R candidate to a 2a purity test that no one on the left could pass.

It must be hard being the only one that's a rational political actor, rather than just riding a teams wagon. I feel for you.


Beloved flaming retard
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Mar 23, 2015
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Obama was anti gun in 2008. Every vote you cast for anyone with a D next to their name is an anti gun vote, and gives the anti gun side ammunition. Even the pro gun democrats are for expanded background checks and magazine restrictions. I've noticed you expect the voters on the other side to protect your gun rights by holding every R candidate to a 2a purity test that no one on the left could pass.

It must be hard being the only one that's a rational political actor, rather than just riding a teams wagon. I feel for you.
He was, but he had no way to do anything. I'm not out to wage some sort of meaningless ideological battle, I care about real, tangible results or lack thereof. If an anti-gun candidate gets into office and accomplishes nothing and leaves, it means nothing.

What ammunition did I give them? Did it matter if they didn't accomplish anything, and that is what I calculated would happen?

Results are everything. That's all they do. Propose ideas and get them implemented or not. There isn't some anti gun and pro gun aura that's floating around making changes in policy. WHen you have a complex belief system, you have to make compromises and take risks with votes, otherwise you'd never have a say.

Question. Will you continue shopping at walmart after their anti-gun public statement?


Mar 25, 2015
Covington, Ga
Zip code
He was, but he had no way to do anything. I'm not out to wage some sort of meaningless ideological battle, I care about real, tangible results or lack thereof. If an anti-gun candidate gets into office and accomplishes nothing and leaves, it means nothing.

What ammunition did I give them? Did it matter if they didn't accomplish anything, and that is what I calculated would happen?

Results are everything. That's all they do. Propose ideas and get them implemented or not. There isn't some anti gun and pro gun aura that's floating around making changes in policy. WHen you have a complex belief system, you have to make compromises and take risks with votes, otherwise you'd never have a say.

Question. Will you continue shopping at walmart after their anti-gun public statement?

So, in truth, your beliefs about guns take a back seat to your other views.


Beloved flaming retard
Lifetime Supporter
Mar 23, 2015
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So, in truth, your beliefs about guns take a back seat to your other views.
If that's what you gleaned from that, then you didn't understand a single thing I said.

Are you going to continue shopping at walmart?


Mar 25, 2015
Covington, Ga
Zip code
If that's what you gleaned from that, then you didn't understand a single thing I said.

Are you going to continue shopping at walmart?

I gleaned that you don't believe that a pro-gun or anti-gun mood affect the types of legislation that get proposed. That you will bear no responsibility for any legislation that gets passed in the future because the leftists that you support won't be in a position to do anything, and leftists that will be in a position to do something will lose your support because you have a crystal ball or something. That supporting Obama the first time, and making him an incumbent which makes it much more likely that he would win re-election, still means nothing because you sat home on the second election day and cleared your soul of responsibility. That you aren't on a team, which means your choice is between a leftist and abstaining from the political process.

What pro gun, 100% 2a politician have you voted for in the past?

And I don't like Wal-Mart, and rarely go there, but they are not hurting me like Target, by "banning" carry in their stores. Are you going to stop shopping at the Dekalb farmers market? How many anti gun businesses in Decatur do you support with your money?