yep been there a few times its nice there , Dated a girl that was from Longview her family owned a huge lumber yard there, been hunting quail and deer a few times in TexasI’ll be leaving by the morning, ever send Texas in the fall?
yep been there a few times its nice there , Dated a girl that was from Longview her family owned a huge lumber yard there, been hunting quail and deer a few times in TexasI’ll be leaving by the morning, ever send Texas in the fall?
A bit high on the price side... But what isn't these days?
When you wanna sell in 6 months let me know
what did i miss?
Possibly buy some time if I build a shop or a storage building out back and get everything out of the garage that I possibly can.Everyday feels like Monday since I'm running wide open every freaking day until I go to bed about 10
My normal bedtime is 9-9:30.
Gotta go back to the old house again today, close on the sale after work tomorrow. Then MAYBE this weekend we can start putting stuff up in the new house, everything is still boxed up and laying everywhere. Then close on the new house on Monday after work.
Do it all again fairly soon. I can't deal with the garage issue. #DEALBREAKER
you need a vacationPossibly buy some time if I build a shop or a storage building out back and get everything out of the garage that I possibly can.
Reagan = big cuckGun Control is NEVER a dead issue. The next attempt at a total ban will be over "WeaPoNs oF WaR" not assault rifles.
And it doesn't require a Biden victory. If the democrats take the Senate there will be something Trump wants that he'll trade for gun control in a heartbeat. The only time he talks strong on 2A rights is when he needs votes. If he is re-elected, he won't need votes from gun owners ever again.
I'm old enough that I was an adult gun owner when the Firearm Owners Protection Act of 1986 was signed into law by Reagan. The act made it easier to transport long rifles across the US, ended federal records-keeping on ammunition sales & prohibited the prosecution of someone passing through areas with strict gun control with firearms in their vehicle, so long as the gun was properly stored. But to get that there was a bunch of horse trading & shenanigans. It contained a provision banning the ownership of any fully automatic firearms not registered by May 19, 1986. That provision was slipped into the legislation as an 11th-hour amendment by Rep. William J. Hughes, a New Jersey Democrat. Reagan signed it anyway rather than veto it & fight.
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Like I said, this issue is never dead!
you need a vacation
It's not mine lol
Sure looks pretty though. How much should it be?
900ish tops.
They are cool but if it were me I’d save up and get that PPsH-41 that is on odtNever knew I needed one of these. Price is right or no? I have no idea.
"Suomi M31 TNW build chambered in 9x19. This gun is in near flawless condition and comes with 3 original m31 drum mags and 6 original M31 stick mags all in good to like new condition. Also has original M31 leather sling. This gun fires and cycles beautifully and is a load of fun to shoot. Looking for 1100 cash or 1300 trade value for the gun and all the mags and drums included. Trade interests are AK’s micro Dracos MOS glocks or SIG 226 M17 or M18 but will entertain any type of trade. Located in Valdosta Ga."
View attachment 101961 View attachment 101962
Wonder how much it costs to replace tritiumRight? I heard remodeling can cause a divorce, but I didn't realize moving could do the same.
Also, this is a good deal. I'm tempted to buy it myself.
Item Gone: FS/FT Trijicon Reflex
Item Name: FS/FT Trijicon Reflex Location: Odum Zip Code: 31554 Item is for: Sale or Trade Sale Price: $175 shipped Trade Value or Items Looking For: Good quality scope Willing to Ship: Yes Bill of Sale Required?: No Item Description: Trijicon Reflex 1x24. Not sure how old it is. Bought
Yeah it looks slickI gotcha. Man it looks slick. Those drums really do it for me, but I wonder if they're a hinderance when shooting with them? They don't get in the way of your support arm?