American Revival Apparel Company

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  • Wipe and sit

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  • eww, i'm to uppidy to use a public tiolet

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Why leave anything here?
Kalash Klub
Lifetime Supporter
Aug 31, 2018
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It’s hot out here. I’m working at a LEO/MIL k9 training kennel ?? Or a kennel that raises and trains K9s then sells them to LEO/MIL? Either way there’s are Belgium Malamois?? And HELLA labs. I love labs. I think all the LABs are drug dogs and the Belgium’s are kill you dogs.
Belgian Malanois or, as the handlers I know call them, Mallagators!


If you can’t laugh at yourself you’re FUKT!!!
Kalash Klub
Lifetime Supporter
Dec 5, 2016
Goat Rodeo Clown
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I'll bite. Please enlighten me as to why I should tread lightly.

Everyone who was born on this dirt are Americans. America has a history as how it came to be. Good or Bad, it still has a history.
I'll bite. Please enlighten me as to why I should tread lightly.

Everyone who was born on this dirt are Americans. America has a history as how it came to be. Good or Bad, it still has a history.

Here I gotta disagree...If you're saying that being born in the United States automatically gives you citizenship, that's NOT how it's supposed to be. It has become this way only by bureaucratic fiat, not by actual rule of LAW.

Now, back to your actual point - History is HISTORY. For sure, there are different perspectives, and nobody can say now what the TRUTH really was about a lot of things that happened even as recently as 200 years back.
But to erase the recorded history simply because you don't like what it says is never a good idea.

For instance - I'm essentially of German descent. But you'll NEVER see me trying to erase the records of something as culturally and sociologically damaging to the Germans as the Holocaust! It happened. It SUCKS that it happened, and I feel sorrow for those who were caught up in that madness, and anger at those who participated, but no matter how far the pendulum swings, I'll never condone erasing that tragic picture.

So erasing the fact that people in this country were once owned by other people is wrong, and if we remove all mention of these people, we will fail to learn from that situation.

To take it one step further, I am the son of a former slave.

My grandparents and their children were captured and sold as slaves near the end of WWII by the Polish. They escaped, and were recaptured 6 times. At one point my grandfather escaped and tried to raise money to buy back his family.
Certainly this wasn't the same as the generational slavery that people have experienced all over the globe, but it's still slavery.
Do I hate Polish people because if this? NO.
Do I feel like my life is worth less because of my personal connection to slavery? NO.
Do I think someone owes me or my family anything as a result of that slavery? NO.

After the war ended, my grandparents finally made it to a British refugee camp, and after a few years made it to America.
I'm pretty sure they spoke no English, but a distant relative had signed paperwork helping them immigrate. There were 6 of them with little more than the clothes they wore. In spite of arriving with nothing, in a land that had recently defeated their homeland, and in the face of constant bigotry, they tried to raise their family. My grandparents worked 2 and 3 jobs each, both sons served during Vietnam, and by the time my grandmother died of cancer in 1993 she had almost $1million in assets.

THAT is what America means to me. The freedom to do what it takes to either succeed or fail, based on your own abilities.

So to all of those 'entitled' assholes out there, I say: "Nobody owes you shit. If you want something, it's a question of HOW BAD DO YOU WANT IT???"


Kalash Klub
Lifetime Supporter
Mar 7, 2018
Newnan, GA
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Get out from under that “political rock” not everybody from here consider that their history. So just tread lightly

I’m done treading lightly. I’m tired of others telling me what I should think, or how I should feel. Or why shit I’ve never done is my fault.
I’m part of the demographic that received the most discrimination of any other over the last 2 decades.
White male over 30.
White privilege is absolute bullshit.
I got where I am by not getting arrested, joining the military to get an education and training because I come from a middle class family that could not afford to pay for my education. And I was one generation too watered down to get tribal benefits. That ended with dad’s generation. Most everyone had that opportunity, and The fact that they did not use it is their fault, not mine and I will not apologize.

Don’t tell me what to think
Don’t tell be how to feel.
Don’t tell me it is my fault when it clearly isn’t.
I will no longer tread lightly.
Because I don’t agree with what the media spews does not make me ignorant. It also does not make me racist.
What it does is make me tired. I’m tired of the bullshit.

Peanut Butter

Site Supporter
Kalash Klub Mod
Kalash Klub
Oct 13, 2019
I’m done treading lightly. I’m tired of others telling me what I should think, or how I should feel. Or why shit I’ve never done is my fault.
I’m part of the demographic that received the most discrimination of any other over the last 2 decades.
White male over 30.
White privilege is absolute bullshit.
I got where I am by not getting arrested, joining the military to get an education and training because I come from a middle class family that could not afford to pay for my education. And I was one generation too watered down to get tribal benefits. That ended with dad’s generation. Most everyone had that opportunity, and The fact that they did not use it is their fault, not mine and I will not apologize.

Don’t tell me what to think
Don’t tell be how to feel.
Don’t tell me it is my fault when it clearly isn’t.
I will no longer tread lightly.
Because I don’t agree with what the media spews does not make me ignorant. It also does not make me racist.
What it does is make me tired. I’m tired of the bullshit.
Congrats I think we’re all tired of bullshit. What you may consider bullshit may be the total opposite from what I do. Think and feel however you want in the end nobody cares but you. Just like everyone else


Millennial Supreme
Lifetime Supporter
Aug 26, 2016
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so ordered my plate carrier, gotta wait till i find a deal on some plates.

Now we get to mag carrier. i plan on ordering a 3 mag for the vest but i also want some sort of shoulder strap mag carrier that could be a quick grab n go. Anybody run something like this, i think @Jds556762 have i seen you run something similar??
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