Why? Do you get off being a jerk or rude to people? Serious question.Idk why but it tickles the pickle when someone calls me a dick.
I understand some people deserve it but I never heard of someone say they get a kick out of it.
Why? Do you get off being a jerk or rude to people? Serious question.Idk why but it tickles the pickle when someone calls me a dick.
Tread lightlyIf you were born in the United States of America it's "ours".
I said idk whyWhy? Do you get off being a jerk or rude to people? Serious question.
I already said idk why, check back at a later date.Why? Do you get off being a jerk or rude to people? Serious question.
I understand some people deserve it but I never heard of someone say they get a kick out of it.
Tread lightly
From George Washington to Ulysses S. Grant: Statues, monuments vandalized extend beyond Confederates amid Black Lives Matter protests
From George Washington to Ulysses S. Grant: Statues, monuments vandalized extend beyond Confederates amid Black Lives Matter protests
Historic monuments and statues have become the targets of anger and vandalism during Black Lives Matter protests in the wake of George Floyd's police custody death at the end of May.www.foxnews.com
We are wayching our history be erased. They have already stopped teaching our correct history in schools and now this. Only a couple more generations and it will all be forgotten.
The US and the rest of the world is setting the stage for the Son of Perdition.
Get out from under that “political rock” not everybody from here consider that their history. So just tread lightlyI'll bite. Please enlighten me as to why I should tread lightly.
Everyone who was born on this dirt are Americans. America has a history as how it came to be. Good or Bad, it still has a history.
Who’s Coloumbus?I often wonder how many people even really know why Coloumbus set sail for a new land.
Get out from under that “political rock” not everybody from here consider that their history. So just tread lightly
LOL do as you please man. “Free” country amirite? Just tread lightly with the “our” wordIt's not a political rock that Im under. Im simply intrigued as to why someone born here refuses to consider that the Counrty they were born and raised in History's is not apart of them being here.
Quit simple really.
And all do respect young man, I tread haw I want to. Just as every other American with God given rights.
Everything's free if you are strong enough to take it amirightLOL do as you please man. “Free” country amirite? Just tread lightly with the “our” word
It’s hot out here. I’m working at a LEO/MIL k9 training kennel ?? Or a kennel that raises and trains K9s then sells them to LEO/MIL? Either way there’s are Belgium Malamois?? And HELLA labs. I love labs. I think all the LABs are drug dogs and the Belgium’s are kill you dogs.
Energetic AF!Malanois are kill everything, then screw it dogs. Crazy athletic, crazy smart, and just crazy. Love ours to death!