Real talk I did. I told her Shemp and his wife wants the Ps90 so you’re setYou did tell her the fat italian gets all the 5.7 stuff right?
Real talk I did. I told her Shemp and his wife wants the Ps90 so you’re setYou did tell her the fat italian gets all the 5.7 stuff right?
@Jake beat you to itI call dibs on Triangle folder
But dont die thoReal talk I did. I told her Shemp and his wife wants the Ps90 so you’re set
Don’t stop me from transcending FuddDaddyBut dont die tho
I'm just the opposite. Last surgery I had was in the early 90's but they kept giving me anesthesia & then getting pissed because I was groggy but not out & kept trying to get up off the table.I don't do well with surgery. Anaesthesia and I don't get along. I coded when I had my septoplasty
Have a feeling will be my experienceI'm just the opposite. Last surgery I had was in the early 90's but they kept giving me anesthesia & then getting pissed because I was groggy but not out & kept trying to get up off the table.The surgeon said something about the amount of gas it took to knock me out when he saw me in recovery. According to all reports, I got out of the bed in the recovery ward & said something along the lines of "You need better drugs. I'm a fucking pro" before staggering into the wall.
Me on a recliner checking SET on phone
Wake up Jbird JBIRD WAKE UP!!!
Mediterranean food undefeated thoughMiddle eastern cuisine on point tho for real. Good food.
What’s left? LolololDon’t stop me from transcending FuddDaddy
Do brass Jews go to Christian heaven?When I get to heaven I’m going to straight to their shooting range