One of the cops that broke it up...So who got the PS5?
One of the cops that broke it up...So who got the PS5?
Morning men you to @2Glocks
Yas queencall it before I go out to check:
did I catch anything in my traps? If you’re right I’ll send ya a reward
today is your lucky daycall it before I go out to check:
did I catch anything in my traps? If you’re right I’ll send ya a reward
@Jake I bought my 1st Bosnian 2 rib from AoA a couple of weeks ago. You know how they've been $60 for forever and a day? Now they're $85. I was gonna get one or maybe 2 more. PPPFFFTTT.
How do you like the Zpap92. Do you shoot it much? How does it handle?
call it before I go out to check:
did I catch anything in my traps? If you’re right I’ll send ya a reward
I survived the night.
Is the hex mag still available?
I'm coming to the show to hang out today, @noclevername might want to start taking the Valium early...
Why? To shoot peoples innocent puppers!!!??? COP!