For faster updates than MSM. He already shows 16 votes for Trump and 10 for Biden in New Hampshire.the waiting is the worst
A wood hinge would be cool but if it can't bash a door in or crack numerous skulls it doesn't pass my AK stock standard.I almost bought the Incra wood hinge jig one time...
Well, I’ve liked what you’ve shown us of your work so far. That wood triangle stock is awesome.First one goes to @noclevername . He fixes my rifles. Then I'll be able to tell you if I ever want to attempt it again.
I was there today not busy at all .. we won’t know who wins until at least ThanksgivingWonder how busy Quiet Riot will be tomorrow if Biden wins
I’m building one now if you want to see how it all worksI can make it. I've seen the latching buttplates before but never for sale separately. And I definitely haven't been able to find the hinge.
I can make anything if I have the resources and time.
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