Headshot guy begging to be shot.
Throws a fire bomb at him, misses and continues to chase the guyHeadshot guy begging to be shot.
You want to make out in a video?
holy fuck i just realized thats arm mist and not the bandana that was on his backpack
watched the video where the first guy gets shot, it looks like self defense and someone started to shoot at the kid after he opened fire. I didn't see a firebomb but that dude was rushing him aggressive as fuck
It's there, watch when he runs across the camera before he passes the first carwatched the video where the first guy gets shot, it looks like self defense and someone started to shoot at the kid after he opened fire. I didn't see a firebomb but that dude was rushing him aggressive as fuck
I have see some aweful shit on the internet but people mist is still not a fun sight, in person has to be completely different though and i cant even imagine what that is like. I could never work with the fire department or as an emt cause i don't want those images burned in my headThat shit is even more ugly up close.
Seen way worse.
@mark23 5 and 6 video, click on the Kenosha tab firstOK GUYS
here it is what we've all been bickering about today, this is a link to a compilation of multiple videos, from the dude that got shot in the head to the other 2 guys later on. I am saying it was SELF DEFENSE
click on the Kenosha tab, this was the only way I could link it, too many videos
It doesn't look like its on fire but he throws something that is pretty big at the kid, I could be wrong but all the video is shaky as fuck so i cant tell for sure. I watched all 3 angles and the video quality is all crapI can't be the only one who sees it
fag....I have see some aweful shit on the internet but people mist is still not a fun sight, in person has to be completely different though and i cant even imagine what that is like. I could never work with the fire department or as an emt cause i don't want those images burned in my head
That shit was on fire.I can't be the only one who sees it
And continues to chase himThat shit was on fire.
and looks to be self defense