what you got? Was looking at the 10/63 on ODT thats all fucked up but can't seem to find a good wood set online in stock
what you got? Was looking at the 10/63 on ODT thats all fucked up but can't seem to find a good wood set online in stock
Diet Coke? Really???
ill cover your 6 on your extractionHeaded to Midtown Atlanta to get a friends grandmother out before shit gets too sporty.
If I don't make it....
tell DanK to go Fuck himself!
Well if Mayor Bottoms wants martial law, she'll have to ask Gov. Kemp for a declaration & National Guard Troops or President Trump or Congress for a declaration & US Armed Forces. I don't see either happening.I'll go out on a limb here.... Does anyone think all the uniforms leaving and civil unrest is exactly what big brother wants? How else could they warrant marshal law?
Just seems like the perfect recipe but I'm always thinking outside the box.
Headed to Midtown Atlanta to get a friends grandmother out before shit gets too sporty.
If I don't make it....
tell DanK to go Fuck himself!
I was thinking more nation wide if other states follow.Well if Mayor Bottoms wants martial law, she'll have to ask Gov. Kemp for a declaration & National Guard Troops or President Trump or Congress for a declaration & US Armed Forces. I don't see either happening.
My old hood. Born in Riverdale in sweet 80. Didnt leave Clayton County for good until about 07 give or take.I was all over Riverdale, SW ATL and East Atlanta today. You'll be fine.
I need a sling for this.
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Put me in your will for the coffee grinder.Headed to Midtown Atlanta to get a friends grandmother out before shit gets too sporty.
If I don't make it....
tell DanK to go Fuck himself!
Yes. My favorite carry / defense pistol I’ve ever owned.Anyone here have or have had a 19x?
Mission successful