American Revival Apparel Company

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  • Hover

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  • eww, i'm to uppidy to use a public tiolet

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Kalash Klub
Oct 14, 2019
The Diddle Shack
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Does it ever get easier? Just thinking this is the 3rd friend I’ve lost since graduating HS 5 years ago.
If I said yes, I'd be lying.
My pops basically said that the longer you live, the more people you know will have died.
It doesn't make the hurt go away. All you can do is keep moving forward.


Aug 20, 2019
Does it ever get easier? Just thinking this is the 3rd friend I’ve lost since graduating HS 5 years ago.

No it doesn't get easier, how you process it changes I think but not easier.
I went through the loss of several friends those couple of years out of high school. Most in tragic accidents so at that young age it was very emotional and hard to comprehend.
Now in my mid 50's I am losing friends once again, this time to things like heart attacks, cancer etc. Some of these people I have known since I was a child. A life time of memories with them and now realizing we are only here a short period of time so it is also very hard to process. Life is short, enjoy every minute of it.

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