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Meme boojahideen
Kalash Klub
Oct 31, 2019
Have you heard that in Minneapolis they want to defund and remove the police force there? No shit I’m serious they want to get rid of them. I’m just like how the fuck do y’all wake up everyday being so damn stupid. This country is going to hell in a hand basket
I wouldn’t jump to the concrete conclusion that shrinking police intervention and presence drastically would be 100% bad.
First of all I think it would be beneficial for people to realize self protection is their own responsibility. Second, conservatives always claim they want smaller government except when it comes to police, military, or their own favorite pet programs. I do think we need a police force to some degree, but the ones we have Are far from constitutional.


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Kalash Klub
Oct 14, 2019
The Diddle Shack
Zip code
I wouldn’t jump to the concrete conclusion that shrinking police intervention and presence drastically would be 100% bad.
First of all I think it would be beneficial for people to realize self protection is their own responsibility. Second, conservatives always claim they want smaller government except when it comes to police, military, or their own favorite pet programs. I do think we need a police force to some degree, but the ones we have Are far from constitutional.
Thanks to Joe Biden

AC-130 Above

Kalash Klub
Oct 14, 2019
Zip code
I wouldn’t jump to the concrete conclusion that shrinking police intervention and presence drastically would be 100% bad.
First of all I think it would be beneficial for people to realize self protection is their own responsibility. Second, conservatives always claim they want smaller government except when it comes to police, military, or their own favorite pet programs. I do think we need a police force to some degree, but the ones we have Are far from constitutional.
I think the focus in what your talking about is legislation change, officers are just there facilitating a job. If anything the police forces in America need a Increase in their budget so they can further train their officers in de-escalating tactics and appropriate take down methods. Attacking LEO is not going to benefit anyone.

Yes self protection is something we should all advocate as Americans and practice and prepare for but unfortunately that’s not how it works, not everyone is Like is.

I feel like we are all walking on egg shells right now


Meme boojahideen
Kalash Klub
Oct 31, 2019
I think the focus in what your talking about is legislation change, officers are just there facilitating a job. If anything the police forces in America need a Increase in their budget so they can further train their officers in de-escalating tactics and appropriate take down methods. Attacking LEO is not going to benefit anyone.

Yes self protection is something we should all advocate as Americans and practice and prepare for but unfortunately that’s not how it works, not everyone is Like is.

I feel like we are all walking on egg shells right now

Yes, you’re kind of proving my point. We need a “citizen reform” as much as a police one. I’m not advocating attacking LE, I’m advocating LESS LE and holding the ones we have accountable personally for their actions(good or bad) and I think fear is a valuable tool, when people understand the police aren’t there to protect you (that’s not their job anyway) this ignorant false sense of security will at least bring SOME people back into reality.


Boomerwaffen Fuddmander
Kalash Klub
Lifetime Supporter
Mar 24, 2015
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I wouldn’t jump to the concrete conclusion that shrinking police intervention and presence drastically would be 100% bad.
First of all I think it would be beneficial for people to realize self protection is their own responsibility. Second, conservatives always claim they want smaller government except when it comes to police, military, or their own favorite pet programs. I do think we need a police force to some degree, but the ones we have Are far from constitutional.


Kalash Klub
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Jul 5, 2015
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Kalash Klub
May 17, 2016
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This is frightening.

What am I supposed to wear on vacation now?

Well if you're like me, you'll wear whatever the hell you want. People are trained to bark and slobber at key words and images. It's aggravating yet amusing. Easily conditioned to react in the desired way.

Reacting is much easier than thinking.


Kalash Klub Jumpmaster
Oct 14, 2019
First of all I think it would be beneficial for people to realize self protection is their own responsibility. .

There are very few people in the middle when it comes to the idea of self protection. Most conservatives and libertarians already know this.....and most liberals and socialists/communists believe that the government is god and responsible for protecting/feeding/sheltering...blah, blah, blah the masses. The very fact that the democrats in congress, the NAACP, and Alzheimer Joe are pushing back on defunding the police = proof. They realize the police spend an overwhelming majority of their time responding to the communities who have sold out to socialism and the largest majority of those communities want to be protected by the government. It's just another benefit of the "Great Society" that has come to be seen as a necessity.

One of the notions common to the liberal/socialist/communist anti-gunner is the idea that being a victim is "noble", as if it is better to be noble in your suffering than disruptive in your own defense. I don't think decreasing the size of police departments will move the "self protection" needle at all in America.
Last edited:


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Kalash Klub
May 17, 2016
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There are very few people in the middle when it comes to the idea of self protection. Most conservatives and libertarians already know this.....and most liberals and socialists/communists believe that the government is god and responsible for protecting/feeding/sheltering...blah, blah, blah the masses. The very fact that the democrats in congress, the NAACP, and Alzheimer Joe are pushing back on defunding the police = proof. They realize the police spend an overwhelming majority of their time responding to the communities who have sold out to socialism and the largest majority of those communities want to be protected by the government. It's just another benefit of the "Great Society" that has come to be seen as a necessity.

One of the notions common to the liberal/socialist/communist anti-gunner is the idea that being a victim is "noble", as if it is better to be noble in your suffering than disruptive in your own defense. I don't think decreasing the size of police departments will not move the "self protection" needle at all in America.

I agree, yet these rioters are quite contradictory in their behavior. (looting, burning, etc)


Why leave anything here?
Kalash Klub
Lifetime Supporter
Aug 31, 2018
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I wouldn’t jump to the concrete conclusion that shrinking police intervention and presence drastically would be 100% bad.
First of all I think it would be beneficial for people to realize self protection is their own responsibility. Second, conservatives always claim they want smaller government except when it comes to police, military, or their own favorite pet programs. I do think we need a police force to some degree, but the ones we have Are far from constitutional.
"Defunding" the police, as this "movement" is demanding will, in no way, shrink the size of government. They are not talking about doing away with the police & refunding tax dollars. They are calling for an as yet undefined "Citizen Safety Patrol" to maintain "order & safety". Those who are unaware of the history should study this concept from the Political Commissioner of the French Revolution to the Political Commissar of the USSR & Communist China to the Cultural Officers of East Germany. This will be way more about control of people's lives & political patronage than our current approach. I assume @Jeddak my have some thoughts on this kind of system.


Meme boojahideen
Kalash Klub
Oct 31, 2019
I read everything you said, but I just wanna land on “Alzheimer joe”

That’s Gold.

and I definitely reserve the right to be wrong on this. I would think if Covid stirred the self defense realization pot, surely notifying people with the mentioned changes would make people think more about the burden being on there shoulders and even better, reserving LE recourses for real crime(like rioting for instance) lol


Meme boojahideen
Kalash Klub
Oct 31, 2019
"Defunding" the police, as this "movement" is demanding will, in no way, shrink the size of government. They are not talking about doing away with the police & refunding tax dollars. They are calling for an as yet undefined "Citizen Safety Patrol" to maintain "order & safety". Those who are unaware of the history should study this concept from the Political Commissioner of the French Revolution to the Political Commissar of the USSR & Communist China to the Cultural Officers of East Germany. This will be way more about control of people's lives & political patronage than our current approach. I assume @Jeddak my have some thoughts on this kind of system.
A valid point for sure, I however am referring to just as you put it, shrinking the over all size of the police footprint in day to day lives and certainly damming the idea of using them for state tax revenue generating


Why leave anything here?
Kalash Klub
Lifetime Supporter
Aug 31, 2018
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A valid point for sure, I however am referring to just as you put it, shrinking the over all size of the police footprint in day to day lives and certainly damming the idea of using them for state tax revenue generating
If that's what would happen, I'd be all in. But what will come of this will be an overtly politicized bureaucracy with the authority to enforce politically correct opinions & even less concern for public safety.

As for self-defense, if this movement is successful, the next step will be civilian disarmement "for our own safety", guaranteed.