Love it! Brings back some AWESOME GREAT memories! I remember Googling and trying to find one online and talking on the phone to JDS to tell him what I was doing (bc I was giddy like a school girl and I can't keep a secret lmao) while I was in Disneyland, it was hot as crap and I was standing next to a retaining wall. There was some small shrubbery planted at the top of the wall I was leaning against...I hang up the phone and turn around facing the wall, and there's a 1' snake in the bushes just hanging out across the branches, eye level, literally 10 inches from my face. I just stared at it and thought, that CAN'T be real, but it sure LOOKS real! I finally reached out to grab it and it took off. I should have been quicker but I thought it was fake!