I was once a magnet........but I attracted the wrong things, lol.I’m a magnet
I’m still magnetizedI was once a magnet........but I attracted the wrong things, lol.
I was once a magnet........but I attracted the wrong things, lol.
You recognize that hat @CQB27 ? Paraclete Body Armor. That underground D-Boy shit back in the day
As long as it wasn't the D or the HIV, you be ok...
It was the "crazy"......but I threw that yoke off!
NYPD Saves The World...With An Airsoft Arrest - The Truth About Guns
America’s law enforcement do face risks everyday. However, it seems a bit far-fetched to suggest that an airsoft gun or two wielded in a non-threatening manner poses a great danger to anyone. Days ago, the New York Police Department’s 77th Precinct posted a photo of what looks like an...www.thetruthaboutguns.com
Y'all see this shit?
Send me beer moneyFriday the 13th, world is melting down, YOLO
Which oneSomeone post that AKOU vid again lol
You ever been to "The Great Alaskan Bush Company" @Jds556762 @Jeddak
That Gentlemen's Club for the horny desperate GentlemenZZZZZZZZZZ!
Where he raves about the AK-V and everyone posted it 3 timesWhich one