I wish Heritage did as good of a job blueing their frames as they do their barrels and cylinders...
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That is bare metal on what was a brand new gun. Guy I got it from had it for a few months and never took it out of the box. When I got it yesterday it still had packing grease all over it. I know they are cheap guns, and I got a damn good deal on it so I'm not complaining. I bet they have the barrels and cylinders made by a 3rd party and they blue them there and Heritage just coats the frames in-house. If they were finished better they could charge more for them. The blueing on the barrel and cylinder are gorgeous, but the frame looks like complete shit. Although, maybe they don't care to charge more since they are kinda the Kings of the $100-$200 .22LR wheel gun. Ruger was definitely going after them with their new Wrangler. I played with both a few weeks ago at Cherokee and I preferred the Heritage over the Ruger though. They just feel more solid and the fact that the Wrangler doesn't shoot WMR really was a mistake on Ruger's part IMO.
This is just me talking here.... But what I would do is strip the shitty blueing and chemical case color the frame.
After I relocate the serial number and do a birds head conversion I plan on case coloring the frame, hammer, trigger & gate, then hot blue the barrel, cylinder and grip. This is a Rohm RG63 sa/da in .38spl.