I knew about CLP, but I didn't realize that was the military standard. The stuff I have is thicker...my friend who closed his ffl last year gave it to me bc he was running out of storage space when I helped him move. He was 11 series Army...I'm curious what he gave me. I'll get some pics when I get home. I'll also check if there's a milspec sticker on it. I didn't think to look for that!
I have buddies that I do talk to but thay all chewed that same ground as me.
Other Vets I talk to in person as well I will open up to.
My son sat in total dismay and silence one day as I talked to another vet at a Meet and Greet me and him both were tearing up at the end of our 1 hour conversation.
My son has never asked me about that day until I asked him a few days later did he have any questions about what he heard.
He told me no and said he wish he had known sooner at the depth of my hurt.
Everybody else wants to know what I went trough but I just can not bring myself to talk to them.
It's not their cross to bear.
What finally got me through it was realizing that the ability to talk about it and the fact I was emotional about it means I wasn't a bad person for what I did. I did what I did out of necessity.
My buddy has a 3 D Printer and makes figurines on it. If anyone wants one let me know and I can put in an order for you.
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Same conclusion for me as well.
And glad I have the small group of friends from those days.
Holy crap that is good
It'll be about the same weight as a 640, but just a bit bigger and easier to manage .357 loads. That is a smokin' deal on that SP101 and he dropped the price and is including ammo now. I've had both and I got rid of the 640 in favor of the SP101.
I have very few friends from my time in Syria.... the Kurds I became close with are almost dead. Out of the 17 men and women in my sniper unit.... 3 of us are still alive.
I love that PING sound.
Sounds like FREEDOM
SOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo much want!!!!!!
American-Made Replica of 9x39mm OTs-12 Rifle
In this article, we'll take a look at a successful American project of making a functional replica of the OTs-12 Tiss rifle chambered in 9x39mm caliber.www.thefirearmblog.com
Those are not mine unfortunately. Well the AR10 is...
I cleaned those up, replaced a couple springs and did a safety/function inspection on those two and another one that wasn't pictured for my local American Legion. On the work order I had the labor listed at $35 each and parts for cost. When I returned them with the invoice I had discounted it a hundred percent and did it for free.
Love the Legion and what they do.
I have all the tools for M1-Garands and can do everything all the way to install a new Barrel.