Carrying might not have helped at all, but that's not even the point. A certain number of tragedies will happen no matter what. In a country with 350,000,000+ we can't expect there to be zero murders with firearms. How many more "allisons" will there be? Statistically, very few.The argument about them carrying is complete bullshit. The argument will be and has always been is that evil exist in this world and at its core it really cannot be stopped.
He's right, nothing probably would have changed if they would have been carrying, it could have gone different but most likely not.
I just wish the piece of shit wouldn't have videoed it on his phone and while it was live. That's what will swing people who may be on the fence about gun control.....
He cut and ran...
Carrying might not have helped at all, but that's not even the point. A certain number of tragedies will happen no matter what. In a country with 350,000,000+ we can't expect there to be zero murders with firearms. How many more "allisons" will there be? Statistically, very few.
I'm pretty sick and tired of having to justify my rights after every single incident where a murderer chooses to use a gun vs. a knife or bomb or car or whatever. Where's the damned outrage when drunk drivers kill someone. Where's the call to repeal the 21st Amendment? Nope, then it's just a simple tragedy and within the acceptable limits we subjectively assign.Exactly, the father saying the carry argument from the NRA will be used is just dumb.
With the plastic ass fork stuck on top. Can't beat it.Funnel cake.
The Perry fair is horrible. Everything's crowded, really expensive. Every ride costs a minimum of $5. It's literally cheaper to go to Six Flags.
Need a second opinion?my new ob/gyn is in Thomaston was there on 8/10
$5 arm bands I wish. But at least here in Griffin - Spalding co you can purchase a mega ticket. In fact they are on sale now through the 8th of Oct for 20 bucks. That gets you admission and an armband good for any night. On Mondays they do $1 NIGHT. Meaning all rides are a buck.I took my wife and two kids, spent over $200, and felt like I didn't do anything. I miss the $5 armbands they would give students when I was in school.
$5 arm bands I wish. But at least here in Griffin - Spalding co you can purchase a mega ticket. In fact they are on sale now through the 8th of Oct for 20 bucks. That gets you admission and an armband good for any night. On Mondays they do $1 NIGHT. Meaning all rides are a buck.
Yea. Going call in am. Need to donate tommorow.Hephzibah children's home in Macon- Take the Zebulon road exit off I-475, turn to the left. The children's home entrance is on the right just past the Lake Wildwood traffic light.