At dinner my wife was regaling me with the tales of Josh Duggar's exposed account on Ashley Madison and the conversation turned to the theory that the internet is just allowing us to return to our natural state where everyone knows everything about everyone. i.e. small town, tribe or hunter gathering group.
It got me to thinking, "ya know...I'm totally bored with this stuff and could care less at this point." I'll treat you the way you present yourself to me and I just don't have time for all the skeletons that you might have in your closet. I will of course not trust you until you've earned that trust and you won't be left alone with my child (not to mention always having an OD Glock 19 and a couple of mags full of self-defense ammo within easy reach at all times), but I don't give a crap about your private shit and I'm wondering when and if our society will become so jaded with all of this hacked up vomiting of everyone's secret BS that it just stops mattering and the fact that you are a good plumber, preacher, politician, lawyer, waiter, house-keeper, doctor or tree surgeon, etc. is all that matters. i.e. you can go out and pick the berries that aren't poisonous and can bring home some game for the campfire.
The fact that you get off on spanking it after you bag a wild hog just doesn't count to much in the grand scheme of survival things. We're not gonna starve.
Or will we be doing this forever?
What say ye?